
Who will first reach 3000 FIDE rating?


I think Magnus 

lord_of_india wrote:

I think Magnus 

I assume you are talking about classical over the board chess.  I don't think he will achieve 3000. 

He would have to start winning a much bigger percentage of his games to separate himself from his peers.

In the recent world championship, he did not appear to have such an advantage over Fabiano in classical chess.

Don't get me wrong. I like Magnus. The last win in the last world championship against Karjakin was amazing.  He may stay champion for another decade for all I know.

But how he finds that extra gear to get to 3000, nobody knows.


Kasparov is retired, and Anand is almost 50 years old so...

lord_of_india wrote:

Who will first reach 3000 FIDE rating?

Maybe someone 50 years from now.


Saying "age doesn't matter" is meaningless.


No one will ever reach 3000


Magnus said himself that getting to 2900 is a half attainable goal. 


What if, (I am speculating here) the rating pool is flooded with a lot of GMs (not Super GMs)? Maybe then someone like Carlsen will have a chance. Correct me if I am wrong.


This is incorrect, If he plays someone a lot lower rated he wont gain any rating points. 


Yeah, I guess you are right. I forgot that Carlsen would earn less and less points for a win as he progressed. Thanks for the correction.



IBRagCauseIWin wrote:

This is incorrect, If he plays someone a lot lower rated he wont gain any rating points. 

he would gain just under 1 point(iirc 0.8, but would appreciate corrections on this) for beating someone 400 or more below him(as FIDE caps the rating diff for rating purposes at 400, so being further below does not affect the points gained). While this isn't a lot, most of those he plays will be closer to 300 below, giving him about 2(? corrections appreciated) points per win. Also, if he really wanted to, he could always play a crazy amount of games in 1 rating period, gaining 2 or 3 per win against lower rated opposition instead of the 0.8 he'd be getting if live ratings were used. so it could hypothetically work, @nyku13, right?


no, it doesnt work like that or it would have all ready done.

IBRagCauseIWin wrote:

no, it doesnt work like that or it would have all ready done.

ofc he needs to be consistently winning, bc a single loss will see a big drop in his gains, but if he was that much better vs 2500-2600 rated opponents that he could consistently win(or even, i suppose, playing so many rated, proper games against, say, 2000s which he would ofc be expected to win, which would earn 0.8pts/win) he could make it.


No one is good enough to do this...

IBRagCauseIWin wrote:

No one is good enough to do this...

thing is ofc he can just keep playing against 2000-2200(or even lower!) opps in smaller open tourneys which ofc he would win, and gain 0.8 points per win. grin.png it's just whether anyone would respect a 3000 rating earned by beating those 1000 lower, rather than proper games against equal opposition, or would they see the rating as a tragic manipulation of the system?


Let him reach 2900 first, he needs 8.5/9 in Norway chess to get it.. He's at 2875 now.

 3000 is near impossible.

Rasta_Jay wrote:

Let him reach 2900 first, he needs 8.5/9 in Norway chess to get it.. He's at 2875 now.

 3000 is near impossible.

i kept thinking it was 2900. ofc 3000 would take forever. grin.png 


Hopefully he does it, But this is almost impossible



IMO he'll just grasp 2900 and stay around there, if he keeps the current performance, he should get up to 2960-2980 roughly speaking but I really doubt he can pull that off.