
Why do people whine so much about rematches?



I play chess as a distraction. As soon as I finish a game - win or lose, I like to analyze it and then do something non-chess. That is how my mind works. Very rarely....I will play consecutive games. But I don't enjoy it. 

Lately people are really making a fuss about it though. If I beat you as white, I don't have to rematch with you no more than if I win or lose with black. This gives no advantage. I have in fact played more games as black than as white.

They should have a label for these players who demand rematches if they lose with black. And then the rest of us can avoid them.



I feel ya, I don’t accept rematches because my opponents see through my strategy and it feels like they are cheating. No evidence about this just a feeling. Just decline them if you really want to rematch then go for it, just make sure it’s your decision, not theirs.

People whine about all kinds of things.  I have never requested a rematch on here.  I will generally accept rematch requests unless I have something more important to do.  


Chess is a series game, people expect to rematch. you whining about them wanting a rematch is kind of childish. yes its a distraction for yoy and them. they just like to pass more time and kearn new strategies. maybe there shoukd be a percentage next to people's name that factors in rematch accepted, and offered. that way people want to play a series of games can just ignore you.


michael615 wrote:

Chess is a series game, people expect to rematch. you whining about them wanting a rematch is kind of childish. yes its a distraction for yoy and them. they just like to pass more time and kearn new strategies. maybe there shoukd be a percentage next to people's name that factors in rematch accepted, and offered. that way people want to play a series of games can just ignore you.

michael615 wrote: Chess is a series game, people expect to rematch. I have never thought of chess as a series game nor expected a rematch


Saltiness. We all do things in our own time, and if you want to spend time after games to analyze, then fair play to you.


I can just win,who needs a rematch? I think its bad manners not to accept and when u lose and they wanna rematch it feels like their trying to farm off yo rating. 


PS I did that too on chesskidnervous.png

michael615 wrote:

Chess is a series game, people expect to rematch. you whining about them wanting a rematch is kind of childish. yes its a distraction for yoy and them. they just like to pass more time and kearn new strategies. maybe there shoukd be a percentage next to people's name that factors in rematch accepted, and offered. that way people want to play a series of games can just ignore you.

why do people whine in general.  do they enjoy childishly demanding things and getting attention? you whining about dirtypawnscum whining, about rematch lobbyists whining = alot of whining.  we can see your level of saltiness over not getting rematches in the sheer number of spelling errors you made while smashing your keyboard in a rage fueled rematch deprived counterwhining tantrum.  I like rematches.  its faster then finding a new opponent.  it's ridiculous to expect them though.  and absurd to demand them...  or to demand some special feature that allows you to avoid players who don't want to.  chess is only a series game in a voluntary or tournament setting. 

So when people whine... you may find it pleases you to tell them "go drown yourself."  and then continue on with your life.  because who really cares.  do what you want.


I more often decline rematches, even in bullet, than accept them. What bugs me is when I decline a rematch and then get paired against the person I just played (and declined a rematch). That shouldn't happen. 


If you try your hardest the first game, there isn't much point in a rematch. It's usually the players who underestimate their opponents who demand rematches. I've had bad experiences with rematches, just as with giving takebacks, and generally do not accept them anymore. If the same player accepts my next seek, I don't usually have a problem playing again.

dpnorman wrote:

I more often decline rematches, even in bullet, than accept them. What bugs me is when I decline a rematch and then get paired against the person I just played (and declined a rematch). That shouldn't happen. 


Especially when you've also blocked them, which is of course the thing one should do with those who whine about rematches.


Do these people consider that even though one might want to grant a rematch that one does not have the time?


I find it irritating when I decline a rematch and get a nasty email complaining about it.  I think to myself - This dude needs to get a life!!!  But that's as far as my concern goes.  I simply start a new game with someone else when I'M READY!  grin.png


I play for five to six hours at a time, but if I play the same person twice then I know there are not 30 million members.


There are those people that win a game, then want a second helping of "winning a game".

The loser should be the one to ask for a 2nd game, but then the winner has to decide if they outclass their opponent.  Generally winners will decline a 2nd game if they feel they outclass the loser.

The real exception is if the loser clearly made a mouse slip. In that case, I'll play another game.

It's usually pretty much a mouse slip of the a piece lands on a square en  prise, but landing on an adjacent square would be a far better move and your opponent is playing something better than random moves.

Caesar49bc wrote:

The real exception is if the loser clearly made a mouse slip. In that case, I'll play another game.

It's usually pretty much a mouse slip of the a piece lands on a square en  prise, but landing on an adjacent square would be a far better move and your opponent is playing something better than random moves.


When such slips lead to immediate resignation and a rematch request, I will grant it if I have time.

FireWithFlames213 wrote:
I feel ya, I don’t accept rematches because my opponents see through my strategy and it feels like they are cheating. No evidence about this just a feeling. Just decline them if you really want to rematch then go for it, just make sure it’s your decision, not theirs.

I 100% agree with that