
Why does everyone suck?


All of our top GM's are boring. Magnus can barely speak in an interview and is overall boring, Hikaru is super annoying, Gothamchess is annoying, everyone else is kind of weird.

People are always like "we are living in the best timeline" and I'd agree but chess got the worst timeline. All the famous people are annoying or weird!


to clarify I know GothamChess is not a GM


What do you want? Enthusiastic charismatic charming good-looking buff men? Because people just follow their passion, chess, and don't really care about that stuff. It's just the kind of people that it draws or those who would be interested in pursuing chess, I guess. Mind over attractiveness

x6px wrote:

What do you want? Enthusiastic charismatic charming good-looking buff men? Because people just follow their passion, chess, and don't really care about that stuff. It's just the kind of people that it draws or those who would be interested in pursuing chess, I guess. Mind over attractiveness

you assume I want above average dudes? That's implying you think the people we have are average guys. Ney, they are below average super annoying people.


Chess is entertainment, the entertainers are not good!


Hikaru looking like a puffball that's about to explode. Seriously, what's up with his facial expressions and how has that become a meme?

underthestars247 compilation of hikaru making faces for no reason at all


okay hippie


Trademark of magnus carlsen is him being late for games. how boring


Magnus could start speaking Norwegish in interviews. Would be super interesting for those that speak both languages.

That's if he cares about being labelled boring from certain sections.


A game of chess between some of the best players is entertaining by itself, that is for people who really love the game. They just want to showcase their "chess" skills at the highest level. There are also a lot of memes if the entertainment doesn't suffice? What else are they supposed to do?


Lionel Messi is the best footballer of all time. Hes not entertaining at all off the pitch. Who cares? Hes still a legend. I dont see how its a problem if you dont find current chess personalities entertaining.


Keep in mind entertainment is a big aspect of keeping chess alive, it's not solely about how good you are at chess that grows the game. has been spouting out a bunch of videos about lie detector tests and whatnot, they've had partnerships with twitch in their tournaments. So yes, entertainment is a big aspect of the game.

Hence why the fact that they are all boring or annoying IS a big deal. I wouldn't expect chess's popularity to last very long with these people on top.

underthestars247 wrote:

All of our top GM's are boring. Magnus can barely speak in an interview and is overall boring, Hikaru is super annoying, Gothamchess is annoying, everyone else is kind of weird.

People are always like "we are living in the best timeline" and I'd agree but chess got the worst timeline. All the famous people are annoying or weird!



Chess has been around for longer than a thousand years and entertainment wasn't clearly the sole aspect of the game. It was more about the battle of wits. Of course, people want to make it much more entertaining by adding fun elements just for viewership and to make money off it.


I disagree there are lots of better chess players then whoever made this form I think the guy is just a chess hater


the sheer lack of self-awareness in a thread saying that top end players "suck" and that they are "annoying" and "boring" is both cosmically funny and pathetic

Yes, mr. Underthestars, everyone sucks. I warmly recomend you to commit suicide to escape this sucking world.
underthestars247 wrote:

Keep in mind entertainment is a big aspect of keeping chess alive, it's not solely about how good you are at chess that grows the game. has been spouting out a bunch of videos about lie detector tests and whatnot, they've had partnerships with twitch in their tournaments. So yes, entertainment is a big aspect of the game.

Hence why the fact that they are all boring or annoying IS a big deal. I wouldn't expect chess's popularity to last very long with these people on top.

That is your opinion. Chess gaining popularity fast in recent times suggest otherwise.


Perhaps you should stop for a sec and think, maybe the problem is with you and not everyone else. Just saying