
Why does no one accept my rematch?


Whenever I have just had a really good game that I narrowly lost to a better opponent and ask for a rematch they always say no! Why?

AgentW10 wrote:

Whenever I have just had a really good game that I narrowly lost to a better opponent and ask for a rematch they always say no! Why?

Never? Looks like you had a nice 6 games match against Dragonsword08 yesterday and 25 against the same player the day before. And 9 games yesterday against Firesword1991.

Looks like plenty of rematches to me.


Sometimes when I play, my phone is disturbed by bed signal and I lose my game.


You and me two games lets go


This post reads like, "why don't people like me?"


Here's why... because people are children in that they haven't learned to cope so they're stuck with trauma from their childhood (and on). Most aren't on here for the love of the game or to learn... they're on here to feel better about themselves. It's the same reason why most in power abuse it. It's a cheap fix for the insecure to feel a moments meaning. When someone writes "this post reads like 'why don't ppl like me' " they're clearly suffering and in their answer stating their own fears. That's another common coping mechanism... accuse someone else of your problems to cloke yourself. There's nothing wrong with these behaviors, we're all doing our best. But that's why. If they lose they run and say you got lucky. If they win they deny you a rematch because why risk losing that good feeling? Especially when they can deprive you of any joy (at least in their minds). Unfortunately this isn't a zero-sum game so they're just missing out in the true fun of this... honest competition. Is there anything better (chess wise) than shooting shooting off a bunch of rapids against an equal foe? Just feel compassion that these people will never get to experience that.

yabasta11 wrote:

Here's why... because people are children in that they haven't learned to cope so they're stuck with trauma from their childhood (and on). Most aren't on here for the love of the game or to learn... they're on here to feel better about themselves. It's the same reason why most in power abuse it. It's a cheap fix for the insecure to feel a moments meaning. When someone writes "this post reads like 'why don't ppl like me' " they're clearly suffering and in their answer stating their own fears. That's another common coping mechanism... accuse someone else of your problems to cloke yourself. There's nothing wrong with these behaviors, we're all doing our best. But that's why. If they lose they run and say you got lucky. If they win they deny you a rematch because why risk losing that good feeling? Especially when they can deprive you of any joy (at least in their minds). Unfortunately this isn't a zero-sum game so they're just missing out in the true fun of this... honest competition. Is there anything better (chess wise) than shooting shooting off a bunch of rapids against an equal foe? Just feel compassion that these people will never get to experience that.


So much amateur psychology!  Most obvious reasons people don't accept a rematch are because they have other things to do with their life than chess and don't have time or because they are playing on a server of tens of thousands of players so why on earth would you play the same one twice in a row?


Am I delusional? I'm curious to hear why you think that.

Is amateur psychology bad? Psychology interests me so I study it. It isn't my profession but it feels like I have a pretty good hold on it.

Do you actually believe that the majority of people playing speed chess don't have time for a rematch? Statistically that doesn't make sense. It would require the average session to be under ~1.5 games or something like that (my stats classes are way behind me). 

I think the reasons are pretty obvious and I stated a couple (competition, learning). If your logic continues then why have friends? There are billions of people so why latch on to a set group?


Next topic. Why sore losers demand rematch 😎


For all the reasons above and more, people who take things too personally will read more into it than may be the case, simple minded people will accept the simplest explanation. That's people for you 


i just recently took a rematch, i might do it more often now.

yabasta11 wrote:

Am I delusional? I'm curious to hear why you think that.

Is amateur psychology bad? Psychology interests me so I study it. It isn't my profession but it feels like I have a pretty good hold on it.

Do you actually believe that the majority of people playing speed chess don't have time for a rematch? Statistically that doesn't make sense. It would require the average session to be under ~1.5 games or something like that (my stats classes are way behind me). 

I think the reasons are pretty obvious and I stated a couple (competition, learning). If your logic continues then why have friends? There are billions of people so why latch on to a set group?


Amateur psychology is bad when it is total nonsense from a completely biased perspective.

I most commonly play 10 minute chess.  A 2nd match at that time control takes up to 20 minutes.  Even if I'm playing faster chess I rarely sit down for a long session of games.  I'll maybe play one or two while my food is in the oven or between some other things I am doing.

As for thinking the logic extends to real life friends, I think you just answered your own question why amateur psychology is bad.  Friends are real people who you actually spend time with.  In the same way, if I was playing chess over the board with someone I would likely play them a few times, but on the internet opponents are just internet handles.  I neither know nor care who the person behind the handle is and I imagine plenty of other people don't either.  It could be a nice person, it could be an idiot, it could be an engine.  That they ask for a rematch in the first place already gives a fairly good indication of that, and an increased chance that they will be an engine in the 2nd match!

Was a time when I accepted all rematch offers. Was a time when I made such requests. Is a time when no requests go out and all are rejected. Reasons? Who cares?

Unless I know you IRL, the answer is no.

If you keep playing, we’ll play again unless I block you. Anything nefarious, including a second offer after the first was refused, and I block.

I think that your opponent does not want to lose, as that would be a much worse rating drop than the gain for his win. That appeasement that he or she has a higher chance to win is gone when the games are close.


If I play someone more than 10 times, then I will add them as a friend.


I will usually play rematches unless I have something else going on.  I think their are many people who like to play different people and will not accept rematches.  Or they don't want to chance losing if they won the first match.  Since I know I'll never be great, I play to play.  I only block people when they start running their mouths.

Ziryab wrote:
Was a time when I accepted all rematch offers. Was a time when I made such requests. Is a time when no requests go out and all are rejected. Reasons? Who cares?

Unless I know you IRL, the answer is no.

If you keep playing, we’ll play again unless I block you. Anything nefarious, including a second offer after the first was refused, and I block.

Got reminded of this


bret u fat 


after games I will start a new match right away. on mobile at least if you start searching for a new game quickly the rematch offer will pop up, but even if you cluck accept it will connect you to a new game instead because it was already searching for one. happens to me a lot.