I personally have tilted (very badly) about four times
My best advice is just to stop playing for a few days, then slowly start playing more. Although it might not feel like it right now, eventually you’ll regain your rating, as you didn’t get worse at chess or anything.
From what I can tell, it usually just comes from playing on emotion, and the need to “just get back to X elo”
And happens after a rough day, or a few particularly harsh games
Best of luck though
I was 715 3 days ago, but now I'm 611. Why is this happening to me? This website's matchmaking is rigged. That's what it feels like. I'm going back to being 250. This website won't stop will it? It's not helping me out because I have no money for game review and I can't have any lessons. This website hates me because I actually was improving. If the staff wanted people to improve, they would have free game review. I'm only allowed to lose now. Why is the website doing this to me?