
Why is Aka Nemsko's cleavage becoming deeper and deeper?


Why is Aka Nemsko's cleavage becoming deeper and deeper?

Is it just a matter of time when female chess streamers start pole-dancing in revealing costumes?

Is it a sign of our times? Times of cheap, superficial, fast, easy and increasingly hypocritical and brainless "culture"?


times like this have been around for a while, they're bound to get worse. anyways us guys are into that so... oh yeah and the botez sister are a bit worse I think with what they wear


Yes, they probably are.happy.png


I can't post links or photos yet, but Google:

Andrea Botez – – CivitaiC : The Home of Backup Models

Click on the images tab in the Google search.

Yea, the ugly Twitch streamers aren't getting broadcast deals to do live commentary in Europe or US events.

Let me just say that many of the lady chess streamers seem to have upped their cleavage game recently. I think they are competing with each other for eyeballs (followers).

Women playing chess - guys complaining about what they wear while also complaining about superficial, hypocritical and brainless culture.

If irony was a forest you'd be missing it because of all the trees.