
Why the hell did I get a draw?


it said insufficient material, so i got a draw...How the heck is this fair? My opponent ran out of time. It shouldn't matter how much more material he has. my strategy was to make him run out of time..


How can this site change fundamental chess rules? This is bull****.

hipolymer wrote:

it said insufficient material, so i got a draw...How the heck is this fair? My opponent ran out of time. It shouldn't matter how much more material he has. my strategy was to make him run out of time..


How can this site change fundamental chess rules? This is bull****.

With an attitude like that your opponent might paraphrase the famous quote "Why must I draw with this idiot?".



Except where one of the Articles: 5.1.a, 5.1.b, 5.2.a, 5.2.b, 5.2.c applies, if a player does not complete the prescribed number of moves in the allotted time, the game is lost by the player. However, the game is drawn, if the position is such that the opponent cannot checkmate the player’s king by any possible series of legal moves.


i drew a game due to insufficient material even though i had a queen and several pawns on a live game..


If you look at the rules about draws in this site (shown below) and at hipolymer's game,  clearly none of them applies to his game. Can anyone explain this?

"Occasionally chess games do not end with a winner, but with a draw. There are 5 reasons why a chess game may end in a draw:

  1. The position reaches a stalemate where it is one player’s turn to move, but his king is NOT in check and yet he does not have another legal move
  2. The players may simply agree to a draw and stop playing
  3. There are not enough pieces on the board to force a checkmate (example: a king and a bishop vs. a king)
  4. A player declares a draw if the same exact position is repeated three times (though not necessarily three times in a row)
  5. Fifty consecutive moves have been played where neither player has moved a pawn or captured a piece. "

If you can't checkmate me within the alotted time, then you don't deserve to play timed matches. Simple as that. the whole point of timed matches is to win in a certain amount of time.


Thanks TadDude. This subject is now clear to me.

hipolymer wrote:

If you can't checkmate me within the alotted time, then you don't deserve to play timed matches. Simple as that. the whole point of timed matches is to win in a certain amount of time.

well if you think that way, why can't you checkmate your opponent? then you don't deserve to play timed matches also i guess? :p

hipolymer wrote:

If you can't checkmate me within the alotted time, then you don't deserve to play timed matches. Simple as that. the whole point of timed matches is to win in a certain amount of time.

Fortunately, you do not make the rules for all of us.

Suggestion: Set up your own chess website with your own rules, you could call it Bull****




I like it! short and snappy.... bound to pull in the BSKids.

hipolymer wrote:

it said insufficient material, so i got a draw...How the heck is this fair? My opponent ran out of time. It shouldn't matter how much more material he has. my strategy was to make him run out of time..


How can this site change fundamental chess rules? This is bull****.

One should read the rules before posting such thing, and especially before blaming of changing the rules. Cool

The main objective of the game is to mate an opponent, something you clearly cannot do with a bare king. Wink

tonydal wrote:
hipolymer wrote:

my strategy was to make him run out of time..


A dandy strategy indeed.  Personally though, my favorite is the "making your opponent sit with their eyes in the sun" strategy.

My mentor does that while hustling in the park. It's very strong and russian )

Dragec wrote:
hipolymer wrote:

it said insufficient material, so i got a draw...How the heck is this fair? My opponent ran out of time. It shouldn't matter how much more material he has. my strategy was to make him run out of time..


How can this site change fundamental chess rules? This is bull****.

One should read the rules before posting such thing, and especially before blaming of changing the rules.

The main objective of the game is to mate an opponent, something you clearly cannot do with a bare king.

Hey, even the official rules can be wrong at times. just because they're official doesn't mean they should be right.


"Hey, even the official rules can be wrong at times. just because they're official doesn't mean they should be right."


You are just typing for the sake of it now, that doesn't even make sense.


It's sad but sometimes you get less than you are bargaining for


Let's see ifwe can follow hipolymer's reasoning:  "hmmm I'm a so-so hobbyist chess player. is an enormous professionally run commercial website with hundreds of thousands of users and with GMs and IMs on the payroll. Hey, wait a minute something happened at the chessboard that contradicts my understanding! I can't possibly be wrong -- ergo: THIS SITE IS TOTAL BULL. ALL THESE IDIOTS DON'T EVEN KNOW THE RULES OF CHESS!"



hey guys, i know what this thread needs:

and some:



JG27Pyth wrote:

Let's see ifwe can follow hipolymer's reasoning:  "hmmm I'm a so-so hobbyist chess player. is an enormous professionally run commercial website with hundreds of thousands of users and with GMs and IMs on the payroll. Hey, wait a minute something happened at the chessboard that contradicts my understanding! I can't possibly be wrong -- ergo: THIS SITE IS TOTAL BULL. ALL THESE IDIOTS DON'T EVEN KNOW THE RULES OF CHESS!"


Hey! Have you been reading my mind when I can't understand how I could have possilby gotten that tactics trainer problem wrong?!


Yeah, but the Tactics Trainer is always so polite.  No matter how stupid my move was it always says it was a good try.

Say, do you suppose the people who fly into a rage if someone types "gg" after they've lost get mad at Tactics Trainer when it tells them they made a good try when they were wrong? Cool