
WTF did you do to game review on Android?

I use Game Review. I pay for game review. why would you purposely ruin the game review interface. The new changes feel like someone released an update that they were told they had to in order to not lose their job. Not all changes are good. Round wheels have worked for years. Why make them Clunky and square?
TrueHaggerty wrote:
I use Game Review. I pay for game review. why would you purposely ruin the game review interface. The new changes feel like someone released an update that they were told they had to in order to not lose their job. Not all changes are good. Round wheels have worked for years. Why make them Clunky and square?

The site had a redesign for Game Review on web and apps, which is consistent across platforms and was a product design choice, not something done so someone would "keep their job"


You seem to have avoided the fact that this was in any way "Quality of life" or " Efficiency" improvement for the end user.

TrueHaggerty wrote:

You seem to have avoided the fact that this was in any way "Quality of life" or " Efficiency" improvement for the end user.

Design decisions are somewhat subjective. Personally, I don't find the change to be a terrible one. The extra screen/click isn't too onerous to me to make the tool worse really. The major pieces I want to use are still there, but I completely understand that not everyone will agree or like the changes


This is disappointing that it can't be changed back. I was just updated to the new format on my phone.

For one thing, it no longer shows the "you played X opening, from here the common moves are..."

On top of that, I have to click infinitely horizontally with the little arrows instead of easily scrolling through all my moves.

Half the time the little speech bubbles cover the evaluation bar.

Well, unfortunately I paid for a year's subscription when I started playing Chess. On the other hand, that year is going to be up in a couple of months. I was planning on renewing my subscription, specifically for those post game reviews that were so helpful.

Thanks for saving me ~$120, as I will certainly not be renewing after this absolute downgrade of an "update".


I hate the new format. There should be an option for list format/move scrolling. Side swiping for numerous moves is PITA. The old format was much better.