
ad pop up on chess board during play


Hi there, I am experiencing a volkswagon ad pop up on my chess board during play. It pops up on the top left corner of the chessboard usually about 5 to 6 minutes into my game and there is no X to remove the ad!!!  I am generally screwed every time out of completing the game.  How can i remove this or stop from happening?

jsab23 wrote:

Hi there, I am experiencing a volkswagon ad pop up on my chess board during play. It pops up on the top left corner of the chessboard usually about 5 to 6 minutes into my game and there is no X to remove the ad!!!  I am generally screwed every time out of completing the game.  How can i remove this or stop from happening?


Next time that happens, capture some data about it and report it



this is my board usually a few minutes into my games, I could not finish my last 3 games due to this

jsab23 wrote:

this is my board usually a few minutes into my games, I could not finish my last 3 games due to this


It's also possible you have some malware on your system. I believe in the play interface, the ads are limited to the game completed screens.


You might want try clearing your browser cache and using an anti-malware tool to make sure that's actually not coming from somewhere else 


In two of my last three games, I have been kicked out of and into an AT&T advertisement. Could this be an issue in or do you think it is Malware on my laptop. It has only happened when during games.

forestk wrote:

In two of my last three games, I have been kicked out of and into an AT&T advertisement. Could this be an issue in or do you think it is Malware on my laptop. It has only happened when during games.

Could be malware but sometimes bad ads make it into the ad provider. If it might be the latter, you can report it:


Last game I played I had a full page add pop up for a couple seconds.