
Auto Playback button


When playing through some of the games from yesterday's Titled Tuesday there was a playback button that automatically played through all the moves in a particular game, but when i examined one of my own games I could only scroll through the moves one click at a time. I scoured my settings to see if there was some way to activate this auto playback feature for my own games. Am I missing something?

Also I noticed on other chess sites when using auto playback the time increment was about 5 seconds a move, and here it is quite fast.... maybe one or two seconds. Is there a way to slow down the replay speed to give one a chance to absorb the meaning of moves?


I don't know.


Is this the "Help and Support forum"??? 2nd topic.... crickets


I finally stumbled on a solution! In the regular playback mode for my games I can only move one move at a time which requires a mouse click for each move. BUT, when I select analysis mode the auto-playback button appears. Yeehaa..... i never noticed that difference before. I hope that helps a few folks....or maybe I'm the only one who overlooked that feature. Cheers!


now the auto-playback button is missing even in analysis mode, I don't know what the developer of this site thinking angry


Why did they remove it? So annoying.