
Can't add friends, friends can't find me when searching for my user



  I just downloaded and installed the app for the iphone, and then opened an account at via the app. I then invited a couple of friends, including one that already has an active account. Unfortunately none of them could find me when searching by my user id. As they email me their id's I tried to search for them but I was also unsuccessful in finding any of them!?

Can someone please let me know what is going on?



I have no clue think we need to b a premium member

premium member


Where were the looking to locate your user id ?

It shows on members page here


I'm having exactly the same problem, did it end up being the need to be a premium member or not?  Have a friend whose username is Suezy who joined in the last day or so and is unable to find me.  I joined a few days ago and cannot see Suezy or even myself in the members search.  Does anyone know for sure if this is due to neither of us being premium members?


i accidentaly deleted a friend and now cant get her back


Enter her username in the Name box on the top of this page to see if shes still there

If her name doesn't appear, check the right side of the page. You'll see requests showing  To Me:   and From Me:   check to see if her username shows there.

If its under the To Me:  you can accept it from there, if its on the From Me:

she hasn't accepted or declined yet.

Also, try sending her a message on her homepage to make sure she hasn't blocked you from contacting her.


thanks she accepted


This is an issue for me too.  The iPhone app seems broken for some who are trying to add friends!!


abliviax, there isn't an option on the iPhone to add friends. You have to do this via the web. Then you can play them using the iPhone


This has been my issue as well.  I have been trying to add my brother who joined a few days ago.  I type in his exact user name and he doesn't show up.  Then just to see I tried to search for some random new members and they don't show up eather.  I think it has to do with how long they have been members.  For some reason is using some kind of antiquated b.s. search function that is unable to incorporate new members as they join. 

(If there are any mods or staff reading this you guys should definitely do something about this as it is very frustrating and is actively driving away new members.)

egdodnoj wrote:

This has been my issue as well.  I have been trying to add my brother who joined a few days ago.  I type in his exact user name and he doesn't show up.  Then just to see I tried to search for some random new members and they don't show up eather.  I think it has to do with how long they have been members.  For some reason is using some kind of antiquated b.s. search function that is unable to incorporate new members as they join. 

(If there are any mods or staff reading this you guys should definitely do something about this as it is very frustrating and is actively driving away new members.)

Is this via the web or the app? 

What username are you searching for?


Is this via the web or the app? 

What username are you searching for?

Via the web.  Looking for artmanjoe7, he joined 3 or 4 days ago.


Have you confirmed this name with him? Hes not showing as being a member on the site with this username

kohai wrote:

Have you confirmed this name with him? Hes not showing as being a member on the site with this username

That's the one he sent me on facebook.  Possible he mistyped it or something, I sent him a message to double check.  Support had a pretty simple solution for anyone else having this problem tyring to search for new members (I feel silly that I didn't think of it)  I still didn't find my brother but I think he may have given goofed up the UN or some other such problem.  My question and support's response bellow


egdodnoj (Member) 24 Jan 2012 04:01 PM
I have been trying to search for some new members using their usernames but they are not showing up when I use the member search. I have double and triple checked the user names and they still don't show up. Is there another way to find new members or an amount of time they must be members before they are searchable from the member search function?


Yes, but I am not sure exactly how long :)

The best way to find a new member, if you know how to spell their username correctly, is to go to your own home profile page....

and replace your username with theirs...

Let me know if you need additional help!

Support Staff


Unless he has joined the chess app on facebook I can't locate him for you.


indin frends add please


I'm also trying this to add my friend



Just click friends.


And then press the picture of a person with a plus sign beside him.