Daily Puzzle Streak

you have to do them the day the puzzle comes out. For example, if i was on a 76 streak, and the day the 77th puzzle in my streak comes out, i don't do it, but then do the 78th the day it comes out and then the 77th one, your streak will break.

Does my daily puzzle streak break if i miss a day
I'm not trying to be rude, but take a guess. Are you doing is every single day?
Does my daily puzzle streak break if i miss a day
come 1v1 chess game blitz

bro come 1v1 chess game
I'll play you, but not in a blitz game. I could play you in a 5-15 minute game.
what does a pause symbol mean, also i don't do chess on weekends cause i play it during school - do i need to worry about losing my streak?

The streak pauses every time you don't play (not the daily puzzle streak— I mean the daily game streak), but it's saved so your streak doesn't restart from 0, and it continues once you start playing again. If you don't play for more than two days in a row, it restarts all over again. So, I don't understand why I had a 62-day daily game streak, but I skipped a day and my entire streak restarted. It's pretty disappointing since I liked seeing the number increase day by day. Anyways, when I tried to start my streak from scratch, it doesn't provide the count of days my streak increases— why is that? Did they remove daily game streaks?

I did my streak daily for months got to 3 digits. I was climbing then one day I did it the servers somehow didn't process it and I lost my streak

Does anyone know what the “ best streak “ in the puzzle “ journey “ means ? I’m probably missing something simple , but my 7 day best streak is 17 & is today ( 29th May ) . I’ve done 8 puzzles , 5 right & 3 wrong . I just cannot fathom what the 17 refers to . Help !!