
Electronic boards that work here?


I'm finding a lot of semi-conflicting information, so I am asking directly: which electronic boards work with I'm considering the Certable, Millennium, Millennium Exclusive, SquareOff, and the many DGT boards?


So I have Square Off, regular mechanical malfunctions with pieces moving arbitrarily around the board! I contacted the Help desk with a robotic reply , still unresolved..


I've heard multiple complaints about mechanical problems with the Square Off and, honestly, it's not my first choice anyway. The others each have their appeal: the Certabo is versatile, but expensive, the Millennium boards are nice, particularly the Exclusive with the piece sensors, but it's unclear if they work here and only maybe on lichess, the DGT seems overpriced for what you get and again the reliability of the connectivity here and/or on lichess is unclear.

ogbumblingpatzer wrote:

I'm finding a lot of semi-conflicting information, so I am asking directly: which electronic boards work with I'm considering the Certable, Millennium, Millennium Exclusive, SquareOff, and the many DGT boards?


Pretty sure just Square-Off, through their app, and DGT:


Well, multiple people say they use Certabo, but it perhaps isn't officially certified. Thanks for the info!


I haven't seen anything anywhere and here the only way I think it could work is if they might be using some kind of site overlay code to receive and transmit moves. To my knowledge, the site doesn't have an open API for making moves other than what was written for Square-off and DGT.


Yes, Certabo's site says it works and a few users here have used it (see but it uses its own intermediary software. I hope chooses to work with Certabo at some point (they are integrated with lichess via its API).


I came here to look for a smart Chessboard. Needs to be compatible with, have self moving pieces, computer engine and analysis, evaluation, best move candidates, and global challenges from, A personal Coach, Time Controls, Hints, and Takebacks. Does anyone here know where I might find one? 🙂


You may wanna take a look at MIko. That's no endorsement whatsoever because I don't know that thing, it just ticks all your boxes.