
en passant, but their pawn took my knight

I feel like I’ve seen this a few times now where a pawn captures a knight with en passant, but I thought it was only pawns that can be captured. Everywhere I’ve read states that it’s only done with pawns. Is this a glitch? Or is there a rule I’m missing?
T_b_vibin wrote:
I feel like I’ve seen this a few times now where a pawn captures a knight with en passant, but I thought it was only pawns that can be captured. Everywhere I’ve read states that it’s only done with pawns. Is this a glitch? Or is there a rule I’m missing?

Only pawns can be captured en passant. It's specifically a rule in response to the the initial two-step move of a pawn past the opponent's pawn on its fifth rank.

That’s what I thought. So my knight should have never been captured that way. It must be a glitch then
T_b_vibin wrote:
That’s what I thought. So my knight should have never been captured that way. It must be a glitch then

That absolutely shouldn't be possible here. Do you have a link to the game?

T_b_vibin wrote:
That’s what I thought. So my knight should have never been captured that way. It must be a glitch then

Link to the game?


I think he's joking

I’ve been trying to find it. I promise I’m not kidding
Update: It’s like the game where it happened yesterday has disappeared. I remember the opponent sending a weird message after making the move so I checked all of my games to see if I can at least find the one with a message that had a bunch of exclamation points, question marks and other symbols and it’s gone… if anyone else ever had this happen let me know
This happens to me once and the person got banned for hacks
You’re just capping, people can’t actually hack that way it’s not how hacking works
If someone wants to cheat at chess they use an engine, they don’t go for the nearly impossible task of breaking into the site and making an illegal move.

some people think Hollywood hacking is the same irl ig...


Impossible, a pawn can't capture a piece via an en passant move as that would've required the captured pawn moving through that piece on the last move. Since en passant can only be done immediately after, a piece could not have been captured simultaneously with the pawn.