
Full puzzle history?


Add me to the list - would love to see some functionality added here. Full puzzle history, highest rated solved puzzle as a stat, easier access to the information within the app for android.





I also wait for this features. It is very important for me because my student make every day 25 puzzles and I need check it every day. When you make it and update I can check puzzles once a week.


I am able to review past puzzle sessions (and go over each puzzle within that session) by using this URL ==> 

However, this does not work for a friend. 

Until a few weeks ago, you could go into Full Stats for Puzzles and see past sessions.

Then somebody changed something...     




I'll add my vote - full history!!!

Thanks for the puzzle RUSH archive link - it worked for me.


For what it's worth, the puzzle rush archive link seems to work for me, as well.  Thank you for sharing that!

But I would love to see the full history and stats for ALL puzzles attempted, too, and adding a stat for highest rated puzzle solved would be fun.


Same here, i missclicked "play again" by accident and couldn't go back to see the puzzles I have just failed to see the right answer sad.png


I too would love to have full puzzle history available for a variety of reasons (most already mentioned in this thread). Just adding my voice to the ones above requesting that feature add.  Thanks!


If at all possible, I would also like my full puzzle history. I have a feeling if it's not available now, it has been purged.


Just want to add that I too would like to see full history in the browser.  It looks like on mobile (iPhone) the full history is there, or at least I was able to see hundreds over the past month, so the data is available, but for some reason only exposed to mobile app and not full website.


I subscribe to the opinion that the archive of tasks is necessary. Many people use to teach chess. I would like to discuss my success in solving puzzles with my coach. is losing its appeal as an educational platform and tool for learning chess.


Yes please, I'm also interested in an easily accessible archive function for the puzzle duel. Similar to the chess game archive.

Thanks so much for this awesome app!



The link you showed worked, thanks, also I occasionally take screenshots of my games, and before I even saw the link, I copied the code of a 2019 puzzle rush I did from my screenshot and works perfectly, even though like most posters here said it's not directly possible to see the old puzzle rush archive, this means they're not deleted, just not that simple to access, feels like we could do with an extra button: "show older puzzles too".


Bump again.  



I'd love to have the feature, but not only on the rated ones but also on the custom/learning ones.

I'm the type of guy who doesn't play many games but the custom puzzles. It's just sad that my friends or people cannot see the thousands of custom puzzles I've done but only the latest 25s.




In the iPad app you can see your full history: click in the home page on your puzzle stats, you can see the most recent ones there, but click recent puzzles to see all of them:


@AnoukAdel - you're right, thanks!


Maybe puzzles could be zipped each week and emailed to users???

buyukcam wrote:

Maybe puzzles could be zipped each week and emailed to users???


I can't imagine the site would want to export puzzles from the database like that.