
Game Abandoned Bug / Hack?

Martin_Stahl wrote:
eric_collazo wrote:

Same here.  I've had several games "abandoned" because the site claims I lost connection even though I verified each time that my internet connection was up and running.

It's very frustrating as it artificially hurts my rating and, more importantly, interrupts games.


 Loss of connection to the site Live server doesn't mean your internet is down. You just couldn't reach the Live server. That can be caused by a number of issues, but see the following for things that can minimize the issues in your end.

I have a gigabit internet connection and a 2.5-gigabit ethernet network in my house.

The issue is definitely NOT my connectivity or my browser (using the latest Chrome).  I don't have this issue with or any other online service.  The problem is servers and connectivity.


Now the same thing happened again today, on this match:

My time was 1:13 when I made the last move and waiting for the opponent, and the game froze and I refresh the page, NOW I LOST THE MATCH AND 8 BLITZ POINTS just because of that whatever, now how do I get my lost blitz points back?? 

CutyAmbiance wrote:

Now the same thing happened again today, on this match:

My time was 1:13 when I made the last move and waiting for the opponent, and the game froze and I refresh the page, NOW I LOST THE MATCH AND 8 BLITZ POINTS just because of that whatever, now how do I get my lost blitz points back?? 


Just play some more games and your rating will be within a few points of where it would have been without that disconnect.


Играл в дневные шахматы в турнире, выиграл 17 партий подряд а последнюю проиграл по времени так как за отведенныц срок не сделал ход. Теперь не могу зарегистрироваться в новый турнир так как у меня большей % проиграных партий по времени. Подскажите что делать ведь у меня только одна партия проиграна по времени?

KonstantinChipizubov wrote:

Играл в дневные шахматы в турнире, выиграл 17 партий подряд а последнюю проиграл по времени так как за отведенныц срок не сделал ход. Теперь не могу зарегистрироваться в новый турнир так как у меня большей % проиграных партий по времени. Подскажите что делать ведь у меня только одна партия проиграна по времени?


Timeouts for daily are based on the number of timeouts versus the number if completed games over the past 90 days. You only have one game completion in the last 90 days, which puts you at a 100% ratio. Complete a few other daily games successfully and your rate will drop.


This happened to me as well. How do I submit a bug report?
GameID = 39347414123

This is annoying. I might stop playing on if this happens to me again.


Its internet, I lived in a bad internet house but in this new house that issue doesnt happen


I'm on a 300/300 fiber connection so it isn't internet in my case.

GrandMuffTwerkin wrote:

This happened to me as well. How do I submit a bug report?
GameID = 39347414123

This is annoying. I might stop playing on if this happens to me again.

That will help you with bug report 




This also happens frequently with me, when opponent is on losing side and he close application. So game will be amondment and winning player will not got player league point.


Kindly make arrangements to block such type of people...


Same here. In the last two days, I lost two games due to game-abandoned bug.
I was playing a game without any Internet issues and suddenly the system said I abandoned the game!

It's really very frustrating :-(

Ironically enough the servers made a dubious move whilst trying to write this, i have disconnected from multiple games and its super frustrating (seems to be always when I’m winning position, so i don’t know if its my opponent doing a glitch) is it happening to anyone else and are they aware that this is happening?
Nathan8910 wrote:
Ironically enough the servers made a dubious move whilst trying to write this, i have disconnected from multiple games and its super frustrating (seems to be always when I’m winning position, so i don’t know if its my opponent doing a glitch) is it happening to anyone else and are they aware that this is happening?


The site has been experiencing very high loads over the past few weeks and that is causing issues:


You opponents can't cause that to happen.


This just happened to me, move 23, no internet connection issues, when my opponent finally made their move it said that I abandoned. Joke. I submitted a bug report

steakbbq wrote:

This just happened to me, move 23, no internet connection issues, when my opponent finally made their move it said that I abandoned. Joke. I submitted a bug report

A connection problem between you and the live server process doesn't necessarily mean you were having general Internet connection issues, though it could still be related to traffic on your local network or processes in your device.

There are some things that can be done client side to minimize potential issues.


The abandonment issue has happened to me a few times in bullet chess in the last couple of weeks where I am winning and I’m waiting for my opponent to move. Their clock is ticking down and then suddenly I am accused of abandoning the game and lose.

is it a bug or is it opponents doing something to fix the game? it seems to happen when I am winning.

denorchard wrote:


is it a bug or is it opponents doing something to fix the game? it seems to happen when I am winning.

Your opponents can't impact your connection. Sometimes connection issues happen; there are a lot of different things that can cause problems.

I have had this happen to me. Pathetic.