Thanks for the update. They probably have their hands full with other beta issues. Sooner or later, they will get around to it.
In the mean time, I'll just have to remember to check in on my games once a week. Memory don't fail me now!
Thanks for the update. They probably have their hands full with other beta issues. Sooner or later, they will get around to it.
In the mean time, I'll just have to remember to check in on my games once a week. Memory don't fail me now!
Oh yeah, it's really annoying to get an email alert that it's my move when I'm playing a 10-day move game. It's awesome to have to check every day to find out if my opponent has made a move yet.
Besides that, the settings clearly say "ONLINE CHESS: my move, low on time, game challenge, etc." Note the "my move" part. If you couple that with "Also send alerts to my default contact email address." then it is reasonable to assume that I will be alerted when it's my move via email, AS WELL AS through the web page.
we DID look into this issue and we DID fix it. so now we are now definitely sending out emails when it is your turn to move. if you are not getting your emails then it is one of 2 problems:
#1 - your email provider is not delivering the email. if you can message me personally your email address i can look at your email provider more in detail, but I use GMAIL and I am certainly getting the emails.
#2 - we don't send email alerts for every single move of every single game (that would be brutal both to users and would likely get us flagged as spam even more often), so we only send one message between logins. so you should only get one email per login. the other problem is, however, that if your opponent moves while you are ONLINE, you won't get an email either because we figure you will see your alert box. the one loophole to this is that if you logoff it takes 10 minutes for the server to recognize that you are offline. so, if you make moves and then close your browser, and then all of your opponents make their moves within 9 minutes of your leaving, then you will not get an email. i think this scenario is very rare :)
i am doing two things to work on this problem - i am trying to improve relationships with major email providers and get on whitelists for email. this is a long and difficult process :) but i am trying. secondly, i am open to ALL suggestions on the topic, so send them!
thank you!
Thanks for the reply, Erik. I PM'd you my account details. I too use GMAIL, and I have never once received a "my move" notification.
Regarding #2 - I think you should rethink the not sending email alerts thing. I'm a member of some very active forums, and sometimes I'll have 20 or 30 "new post" notifications in the morning. Even as I read, if new posts come in, it will send an alert, even when I'm logged in and actively browsing. I think this is much better than not sending emails and someone missing something.
Every move of every game is not really that bad. Sure, some people play 20 or 30 games at a time, but it's really simple to write a rule to filter the alerts to a separate folder to not "spam" an inbox. However, it's not possible to write a filter to generate the messages for people that want them. I'd rather have overkill that can be dealt with and underkill. This is just my opinion, and I'm sure others will differ. (In fact, an option to say "always send a move alert, even if I'm logged in" might be reasonable. Those who don't want the alerts can just turn it off.)
Glad to hear it. I know it is not a spam problem because other elerts, such as the one that notified me of your reply, come through fine.
Thanks for keeping me in the loop!
Hey Rooks,
Erik sent me a mail saying they believe they have tracked down the problem and fixed it. I only have one game going on right now, and it's my turn, so it will be a while before I'm able to verify whether or not I am getting any "your turn" emails. If you have any active games going on, can you let me know if you're able to get the alerts?
They apparently forgot about the issue. Originally they said they would look into it. Then after I pinged them again, the response I got was(paraphrased) "Are you sure you have the right settings, and don't forget to add [email protected] to your allowed senders list."
So once again, I had to go detail to that I do have all of the options checked, I do have [email protected] in my senders list, I get new comment notifications and I get new game notifications, I just don't get "MY MOVE" alerts. And that you and a friend of mine are also having the same problem. They responded with "ok, we are not sure what the problem could be but we will look into this issue to see if it is a problem with our notification and alert system." Which is basically the same response that had no followup for 10 days last time.
So I'm not too hopeful. But maybe.