
Going to next ready game


From my list of games I choose one which is "My Move" and I wish to play.  After I submit my move another one automatically comes up.

If I have another "My Move" game, is there a way to jump directly to the next game, without making a move on the one presented to me?

Sometimes, I just want to wait on one game if I have the time.


That's the default behavior--after you move, the next ready move comes automatically.  Now, to stay on a particular game, you have to change your Online Games settings.  Go to your Online Chess, then click Settings.  The Preferences - Online Chess appears.  Scroll down to Move Preferences, and choose an option at the After Moving text box by clicking the drop-down arrow.  Choose Stay on this Game, and then click Save Preferences button at the bottom of the page.

Now, when you choose a game (from My Games), you'll stay with it even if you submit your move.  Cool

I think the poster wants to be able to skip to another game after it changes.  Perhaps a 'Next Game' button could be installed.  I usually click to my home, then choose another game.  I do like the idea. guys, is this do-able?
silentfilmstar13 wrote: I think the poster wants to be able to skip to another game after it changes.  Perhaps a 'Next Game' button could be installed.  I usually click to my home, then choose another game.  I do like the idea. guys, is this do-able?

 Exactly! You currently can only go to another game if...

1. You submit a move.


2. Go to your home, then select another game.

A "Next Game" button would be fantastic.

As for Charlie91, I like Ubuntu too! 

In settings you can choose the option of returning to your games list after moving in a game and then select the next game you want to move in , this is what I do. I do like the idea though of a "next ready game" button though where you dont have to play a move to see the next ready game.
Yes, Reb is right.  In my post above (#2), the After Moving text box has 3 options--choose one.
Charlie91 wrote: Yes, Reb is right.  In my post above (#2), the After Moving text box has 3 options--choose one.

 But I don't want an action "After Moving"!  I want an action without moving.  I know about the drop down box!  But I see a game, I don't want to make a move,  I simply want to advance to the next ready game.  Therefore a next game button down beside, resign, draw, etc.  That would be handy.  

I'm not saying there isn't a way, as Reb explained... However I am suggesting a more convenient way.  Think not "work around", think "fix". 

Sorry 'bout that.  Since I'm just a regular member, I tend to be a work around person; I'm calling on the site administrators to do the fixing.  Drop a message to erik, the boss (in case no reply here).