
How to Recover a Closed Account


My brother Jace_lecraefan was on and suddenly poof! his account was removed and all traces were erased from the site. Can anybody help?


Sure, ask staff!


It's the SPAM Bot I'm sure, email STAFF Now and it should be fixed.


Well he did that already, we'll see if the stupid bot repents ;)


Robots are stupid?


Yes, unless you program them to be smart.




[Deleted Phrase]... A guy was deleted because he used the word swear and meanwhile i've seen s words, a words, f words, and they didnt delete them.

mapayt wrote:

My brother Jace_lecraefan was on and suddenly poof! his account was removed and all traces were erased from the site. Can anybody help?

I can answer this for you and you may (after reading it) want to remove post 8 :)

I have re-opened it for him now if you'd be so kind as to let him know :)

Your brothers account wasn't closed for swearing or anything abusive at all, what he was doing was sending too many messages or making posts one after another way too fast which to the server replicates the actions of a spammer. The system is set to monitor for those and auto close the account of anyone doing that, but occassionally innocent people get caught in the net, like your brother. The simple solution is for him to contact support (he doesn't need an account to do that, he can still access the help/contact pages) and ask what happened. They would have then explained about the spamming and re-opened his account for him..

Spam is something thats huge on the internet. Normally people see it when they receive messages like " hey my name is ... saw your profile and fell in love, contact me please"  .... or the ones that tell you they are lawyers and someone left you a stack of money.
They are scam messages.

However, people join sites where there are alot of members (like and try to send hundreds of these scam messages out to as many members as possible.

We added a filter onto the site to prevent this, but sometimes innocent members get caught in it.

If a member sends more than a few messages within a few minutes, thats when the system thinks its coming from a scam person, and auto disables the account.

If you and i were messaging back and forth, and we sent something like this

you:  yes

me:  hahahaha

you: why
me: its funny

you: who said

me:  huh

Those messages are sent within seconds of being received.  Those are the ones the filter detects.  As long as messages are given a little more time before being replied too, the filter won't react.

Remember, private messages on here aren't like yahoo messenger.  Our filter although sensitive, does protect alot of our members from unwanted scammers who send out messages using copy / paste every few seconds.

Quite a few who also get caught in this are ones who use copy/paste either in messages or notes advertising their groups team matches asking people to join.


Okay, I get it. Jace also was able to get his account back. Thanks for your help! There should be documentation on this somewhere. These are like the "dirty secrets of!" ;P Nahh, just playin.


Okay, there you go.


Hey the same thing happened to my sister Hannah and she don't know how to get it back so if anyone can help I appreciate it thanks.


Her user name was hannahmarks

susannamarks wrote:

Hey the same thing happened to my sister Hannah and she don't know how to get it back so if anyone can help I appreciate it thanks.

See post #9.


Tell her to log in, and where it says here account is closed click the link. It will take you to a page and on the sidebar there is a link to send a message to the staff. Be sure to send a correct email and username! They should get to you in like eight hours.


Everyone keep on talking so we can move this to off-topic! I have a suprise for the OP!

RonaldJosephCote wrote:

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  There not dirty little secrets, that's just the way the internet works. You might want to apologize for post #8. Β  Thank you Kohai!

Kohai is the best


No doubt.


I agree

