
I didn't abandon the game but I lost and my rating went down.


Several games have terminated on me early when I havent abandoned but chess .com says i abandoned and my rating goes down. whats the point to a clock if I cant use my time! this is stupid. just because people are impatient shouldn't change the rules of chess. I have the time let me use it.


That happened to someone I was playing a game with. I contacted for the reason. Their reply simply said that my opponent disconnected. I did not see any evidence of that in the game box. So I also don't understand what happened.


It happened to me several times.Do they have some tehnical issues?and they send me a warning message that I am breaking rules of fair play because I abandon match,but I didn't abandon any match. They kick me out before I even see that it has started. And they take points...So what is going on?


I'm having the same issue


lanceearlhaines wrote:

Several games have terminated on me early when I havent abandoned but chess .com says i abandoned and my rating goes down. whats the point to a clock if I cant use my time! this is stupid. just because people are impatient shouldn't change the rules of chess. I have the time let me use it.

I assume you are talking about one of the 10 0 blitz games you lost today. On one of them, you were down to two minutes left after only 14 moves. While you have the right to use your full ten minutes in the first move, most people would probably conclude that you had abandoned the game.

Sirchasejr, how could provide evidence of disconnection...after a disconnection? Through their secret secondary connection?


In the box where it shows the players It also pops up with so-and-so disconnected and has 3 minutes to connect. Then when they connect it says they they have reconnected.

Some players that I have played seem to disconnect every 10 seconds and then reconnect when it is thier turn. I don't understand that, because it goes on all through the game.


notmtwain to answer your question, in my last post it that is how I think I know if they have disconnected. If nothing shows in the game box, then I'm not aware that they have disconnected.


Occasionally a client can get disconnected with no indication that they are disconnected. I have seen it happen.


If you don't see a move from white quickly or if you are white and don't see a reply by black, quickly out on the first moves, it may be in a hung state. If you are on the website refeshing should force a reconnection.


The same can be true later in the game. Sometimes the disconnect messages you see can be caused by people refreshing to make sure they haven't been disconnected in that manner.


From what I have heard, this problem may mainly be impacting the v2 client.


If my clock is ticking and it apears from my end I am still connected, I shouldn't have to refresh my browser every 30 seconds while im thinking of a move to make sure the website is functioning properly and adhering to the actual rules of chess. Many people agree with my complaint. fix it and stop making excuses.


rules are rules. I believe even if a person disconnects time should run it's course untill time expires. Patience is a virtue, like the Time honored rules of chess itself a game of honor and sportsmanship. If you wish to win on time you wait without being annoyed. I never dissconnect on purpose, but I know it is a problem that happens. However changing the rules of the game in the interest of time and facilitating more games is a fundamental abandonment of the actual rules of the game. Fix it and punish the people who reapetedly disconnect without awarding wins or losses prematurely. Fix the problem now.


There are three clocks in the game. Only one is authoritative; the server's. If you are disconnected, your time will still decrease on the server side and you will lose either on time or abandonment if the client doesn't reconnect. 


There is room for more robust client code to try and eliminate disconnects that are not accurately reflected in the client.


There is already a mechanism in place for serial disconnectors. They get placed in a pool of other disconnectors.


The servers clock needs to be displayed. if server cannot communicate with client a server dissconect should be displayed and game placed on pause or aborted, due to technical difficulties, without punishment to or benefit to player ratings. Also if there is a descrepancy between clocks auto refresh needs to happen from both client and server and browser. Im glad you recongnise the room for improvement. get it done


The clocks do get refreshed when you receive the opponent's move. The refresh takes into account potential lag in the connections and sends the updated clock information. That is why sometimes you might see clocks jump and time get added to a clock even in non-increment situations.


The problem with your solution that people could purposely disconnect when losing and not lose any rating. Or if the pause route was used, cause a disconnect and get additional time to make a move. Neither solution is a fair one. 

As I mentioned, the client code probably could use some additional features for connection keep-alive and move confirmations. I have no idea how that is currently handled. For all I know, that is how the code works and some other bug is preventing it from working correctly.


kaynight, I am definitely less likely to "pay" or join as you say due to the new problem and it is new because i have been using the site for several years now. I am less likely to use due to unfair losses and my rating going down when I am actively in a game playing. I am much less likely to promote the site to friends and family. Recently I posted on facebook linking I said chess is the best board game in the world. I am now considering redacting my free promotion of and further to denigrate the site due to the treatment I have recently received. Your statement "if you pay us (subscribe) we "could" address the problem is offensive and unnecessary. Others are having the same issue too. fix the problem. All you have to say is we have a team working on it. If not, then forget i'll play someone in person or somewhere else. Or I will continue to get even more pissed off by the site saying i abandoned games and people telling me pay money and then i "might" not have the issue anymore. its a game with rules. follow the rules its that simple.


Neither kaynight nor I are staff so neither of us can give you any indication if something is being worked on, unless a developer or staff posts something to that effect and we just relay that.


In reading back through the topic, you don't say if you are on v2 or v3 of the site. You might try switching to v3 since all development is going towards that version and any major fixes will be in that code. v2 will go away at some time in the future.


If you are on v3, then you might put in a ticket so staff are aware of your particular circumstances.

Martin_Stahl wrote:

Neither kaynight nor I are staff 

You sure you're not?  The badge threw me off.

Well, I am sure you have your reasons but I am curious.


You are on v2. The icon showing is something in preparation for v3 where I have a blue pawn moderator icon.


Ignore the man behind the curtain tongue.png


Martin it did say staff by your name earlier and now it does not any longer. Maybe they need to fix that too? LOL


It wasn't a needed fix so much as they were working on some changes related to v3. And if it doesn't show now you might be on v3.

Martin_Stahl wrote:

It wasn't a needed fix so much as they were working on some changes related to v3. And if it doesn't show now you might be on v3.

I see.  You're not staff but a Mod!