
I didn't abandon the game but I lost and my rating went down.


ok sure for when its done maliciously. If you sign up for a 45 min game then yes time is a stategy a player should have the right to exploit. clock/time management is one major crux of every game ever played with a clock involved especially in the end game but not always just at the end. If there are "hidden clocks" it's unfair to the players.  I conceed that poorsports will abuse the clock in the majority of cases so Perhaps a half time clock to move and a warning at 20 seconds to move or forced resign not  "abandonded" in addition to the main clock if this asinine rule is kept in effect. As for people who hate and throw insults my way about my rating and call me names,Grow up. Or contribute something meaningful to the disscusion. Otherwise it's just abusive. Abusive! If you don't want to hear me "bitch"? Then stop reading this discussion. I do have fun playing chess thats why I play. It's not to stroke my ego or pretend Im that good at it so for someone to say just have fun is frankly laughable.


Jambos thought they were playing at the Edinburgh fringe! 


its no biled but jist a wee bit sozzled!


Lance, you had me nearly sympathetic with your plight until you confessed that you weren't necessarily thinking all that time but instead felt you needed to retain the right to take a massive dump in the middle of a game.


LOL sometimes nature calls a call that can't wait. Mostly i resign if i have leass than 5 min but if im playing a 45 min game at 30 minutes left im gonna take my dump. This is a [Edited for language - Mod.] tangent.


LOL good one. we are all full of it and [Edited for Language - Mod.} unless you are fasting for more than 3 days or are an anorexic or are dying of dehydration. But to stay on topic i think an extra time limit clock and warning needs to be implimented to increase transparancy and encourage more fun and less pety behavior.


The very same thing just happened to me. I clearly still had enough time, in fact, it had only been a minute or so since my opponent made a move. My internet connection isn't doing too well, but it has been worse and during then the issue never occured. I usually take my time with my moves, if one were to observe my past games, there is a clear pattern, which is I usually win my games with only two or three minutes to spare, in contrast to my opponents who usually had about fifteen minutes to spare. It is obviously a software bug and there should be no excuses but rather a fix. With that said, I recently just joined the site and have been enjoying the experience, except for today's little...


A number of people have run into this problem today.

There is another thread on this:

Use the bug reporting tool when it happens. That elevates the problem to the appropriate people and I know that Ceo Erik has said that he looks at the bug reports daily.phpK6Gtfn.png


LegoPirateSenior wrote:

lanceearlhaines wrote:

... Furthermore when I have played with poor sports who dissconnect because their position is hopeless and they disconnect the site knows and tells me. The problem I have encountered is not any one of these situations. I am simply playing thinking of a move for a minute perhaps longer than normal and then the game ends saying I have abandonded it when i was just about to move a piece. No indication that I had dissconnected ever. either on my PC router local host or the site There is a bug that needs to be fixed...

In V2, the game is considered abandoned, even with uninterrupted connection, when no move has been made within 1/2 of the total time control. Increment is irrelevant. For example, in a 10|0 game, the game will be adjudicated as abandoned if at least 5 minutes have elapsed without a move. In a 45|45 game, the threshold is 22'30''.

Normally, this is not a problem, as most people don't devote half of their total time to a single move.

I am reasonably certain that in V3 this will change, but the details are not known to me yet.

Note that some poor sports of the kind you mentioned may keep a connection without moving, in hope that their opponent will get fed up and abandon the game. I suppose this is what the current implementation is trying to address.

Wait, what? So you're saying an algorithm has the say so on whether you went AFK or are in fact just taking extra time on a critical move? Yeah, nothing could possibly go wrong there *rolls eyes* Fortunately, I don't think that is the case. I got forfeited in a 10 min game on mobile when I got distracted by something on move 4, looked back to make my move and the site "resigned" for me with 8:30 minutes left on my clock.


There was some site maintenance early this morning (US Pacific time) that was likely the cause of many of today's abandonments.


I haven't switched to V3 yet, I guess I should. Thanks, I'll report the issue should it happen again.



Bogaragaraga wrote:


You are so right, it's a good idea to switch to V3 instead of playing on V2.


this happened to me just now. i had such a huge advantage I got up to grab a drink and sit down to demolish my opponent ... tried to make my first move and I had 1:15 left.  said I had abandoned the game?? WTF? how the heck would a algorithm know such a thing? obviously it didn't!




I leaving chess . Com forever because of the issue with losing by ebandenment



firas50 wrote:

I leaving chess . Com forever because of the issue with losing by ebandenment



I did not resign my game and had +1 points. My game was abandoned and I lost 9 valuable points. I had more than 5 mins to finish the game. Does anybody know what this might be? Is it a bug?

Arpitvihan wrote:

I did not resign my game and had +1 points. My game was abandoned and I lost 9 valuable points. I had more than 5 mins to finish the game. Does anybody know what this might be? Is it a bug?