
Issue with the automated Support system



a month ago, I contacted Support for the first time via the new automated Support system, and everything worked fine - I was connected to a human agent, and in the next 10 days, I was contacted and was successfully assisted with my issue. thumbup

However, yesterday I tried to contact Support again, but even though I was told that I'd be connected to a human agent within the next 1 - 3 days, my support inquiry completely disappeared from the Support window, as well as the old one (which I was lucky enough to have exported some days ago votechess)... shock

So, I now don't know whether I'll actually get connected with a human agent or not, and how to get in touch with them, in case my request (which I would have to write up again completely, considering it's nowhere to be found frustrated) keeps getting rejected like this? cry

Thank you very much in advance. draw


We don't know if your inquiry made it to the queue. You will have to wait to see if you get a response.


Thank you very much for your quick answer. draw

But, I am very much afraid to think that it did not make it, as I remember that the last time I was able to access my inquiry via this Support window even before getting a response from an agent, but this time it disappeared completely and I am not even able to access the old one (which got closed, but I could still see and export it before sending the new one). sad

And if my request did not make it, then I doubt I would be able to send the new one, as it would most likely get rejected again. cry

So, I now feel completely stuck... fish


We are all adjusting to the new Support systems as much as anyone.

What is your issue? Most issues are shared by many users.


Thank you very much for your concern. draw I'll add the tl;dr at the end of this message. wink

My issue is with my amount of ongoing games, which really got pretty much out of hand for me. sad

I used to have 1070+ ongoing matches, and so I got the idea of lowering their amount by withdrawing from various Tournaments. resign However, I was not sure if it would not break the sandbagging and/or Rating manipulation rule(s), and so I contacted Support in August, 2nd to ask for their stance. forums

I was allowed to do this in August, 12th, and so in August, 29th (when both me and the employee were online at the same time clubs), I resigned from about 420+ games, and dropped my amount from 1070+ to 806. votechess I was planning to see if it's manage-able (and now I think I would have definitely resigned from many more matches! shock), but this extremely kind Support employee actually resetted my Rating from 577 back to 1655 (which I was not really expecting to happen, and it made me REALLY happy! grin), so I stopped and have been trying to lower my games 'naturally' again since then. playhand

However, 800+ games is still too many, and so I wanted to ask whether I'd be allowed to 'make this move' once again and drop their amount further. settings If I was allowed to do this, I would NOT expect to have my Rating resetted again, and I'd only join the Tournaments that would not have the higher Rating number restricted (until I got my Rating back to 1600+ stats), e.g. with Rating Range Open, or for example with a Rating of 400 - 2500, but not e.g. <1200, or 400 - 1000, as that would be unfair. coaches

But, if I'd not get another permission, I would not risk resigning like this again, and I'd continue to try to keep up, and if it kept being unmanageable, I would likely (have to) start losing my games on time. clock However, there are many Tournaments that I would really love to finish, that's why I'd rather withdraw from the others manually, than lose my games (of which some would be the 'important' ones cry) on time. nervous

So, tl;dr: I would like to reduce my amount of ongoing Daily games (and I was already successfully assisted with this issue once), but I would not want to do it again prior to discussing with Support and knowing their stance, as I would not want to risk getting banned for sandbagging/Rating manipulation in case I would not be permitted to do so and/or if it caused red flags.


Well, managing that many daily games at one time is a pretty unusual problem- especially without a premium membership.

I have seen others try that- one guy repeatedly crashed and burned and started all over again. He had 4800 games going at one point.

He had stopped playing the last I checked.

Another thread discusses someone having 4,251 games simultaneously.

You definitely need Support staff to help you out directly.


Thank you again, your kind messages really made my day! happy

The conversations just re-appeared in my Support window, so hopefully it was just a (scary shock) bug. settings Anyways, I am now more likely to believe that my inquiry actually went through, and will be waiting more patiently. votechess

Thanks once more! draw