
Live Chess (Beta)


I'm at live Chess. In the Control Panel window, it says there are 13 users present and all 13 are in the Main Hall. However, in the list of players in the Main Hall, only 3 players are listed. Why the discrepancy?

I often see it the other way round - lots of players in the list, but only a few in the control panel window.

hmm... there must be a reason, but I can't think of one.


One other thing. The time seal or time stamp seems funky.  First, I had a dial-up modem and use IE 6. I was challenged to a game of 2/12.  I was assigned the black pieces. The board loaded and by the time it came up, my opponent had moved with the full 12 sec. increment on his clock. I moved within 1 sec. and, not only did I not get the increment, I lost 8 seconds of time.


Is this the handicap mode?



With IE7 on my high-speed connection 2+12, 3+0, and 5+0 seemed to work fine, except in one game where I seemed to lose when my clock showed 3 seconds left. In the remainder of my games I tried to ensure I always had 3+ seconds on my clock.

still working on all of these issues :)
One more thing I've noticed. While I was playing a game, Erik challenged me to a game. Of course, I couldn't accept, but I didn't necessarily want to decline.  There should either be something to indicate that a player is occupied with a game or something in place to prevent a challenge to a person is is already playing. Which leads to another thing... the challenges aren't very obvious. Each time I've been challenged, I only noticed it by accident.
this is the first time that ive learn about live chess of or is this in another site?

Another thing...


After the game ends, you can't chat with your opponent in the little conversation box anymore. You may want to discuss the game, talk about the whether, engage in some cyber hanky-panky, depending on your proclivities, or just say "gg."  And the box you type in needs to be bigger or taller or something other than what it is.

Link -
I like live chess. If you want to keep it on the site, despite it's shortcomings that erik and other site builders are working on, I suggest that you stop complaining.

"I suggest that you stop complaining"


Thanks for your suggestion. I'll take it to heart.


For the record, and your own piece of mind, these aren't complaints; these are observations, probing for weaknesses and areas for improvement, which I take my time to note because I'm convinced that the powers-that-be want to be the best that they can be.



does this live chess affects the rating?
Live Chess has its own rating... so no worries... play and enjoy. Smile
batgirl is definately not complaining...  she is obviously bringing things to the attention of the admins so they can be fixed.  Granted this is probably issues that they are well aware of I am sure since this is "beta form" they want feedback and what the players are wanting.  And I personally am glad someone is doing it.  And from what I have seen in the past on this site the Admin is probably the best I have seen and they talk to there "customers".  I know I will be paying whatever fee they will be asking in the future to keeping all the features.  Mainly because of loyalty because they do seem very concerned with everyone's experience... sorry i rambled.
thanks for your feedback batgirl (and all others!). we are working on all of these issues.

I know that live chess is still in its early stages but it would be nice to be able to see the games you've played live as well.  I know this will probably take a back seat to things, but its just an observation that some of these games would be nice to show to others,analyze with opponent, etc.

xbigboy wrote: I like live chess. If you want to keep it on the site, despite it's shortcomings that erik and other site builders are working on, I suggest that you stop complaining.

 #1 I'll say any d@mn thing I want. Don't suggest I do anything.

#2 I am not subject to intimidation.

#3 Sit down and be quiet like a good lil boy...

#4 Offering bug reports and suggestions is the point of Beta and does not constitute complaining. Obviously, they wouldn't bother if it worked properly and would just release it without testing.

You have to stand up and be a man to these types or they just run all over you Cool



come join the fun :)

hmm... I wish I could say it was a pun. It would have been a good one. But it was just a blunder. Good observation.
batgirl wrote:

Another thing...


After the game ends, you can't chat with your opponent in the little conversation box anymore. You may want to discuss the game, talk about the whether, engage in some cyber hanky-panky, depending on your proclivities, or just say "gg."  And the box you type in needs to be bigger or taller or something other than what it is.

some time ago didnt you show some disdain to the *gg* phrase