
Not getting an email for an account I closed.


I closed my account a few months ago, and I am trying to get it back. I’ve tried to reopen it, but the email isn’t in my spam or in my email. I have reopened my account before but I guess there’s a new way. Is there anyway I can reopen my account the old way? Or have the email show up?

NeedHelpReopeningmyaccoun wrote:

I closed my account a few months ago, and I am trying to get it back. I’ve tried to reopen it, but the email isn’t in my spam or in my email. I have reopened my account before but I guess there’s a new way. Is there anyway I can reopen my account the old way? Or have the email show up?

You have to contact Support using the option in the menu to reopen a closed account. There's no other way to do it and as far as I'm aware has always required a ticket to Support.


Where is the option? I can only find the support button.

NeedHelpReopeningmyaccoun wrote:

Where is the option? I can only find the support button.

That's it.

It just sends me to bot that says, “look in your junk and trash folder”. It’s not in there.
Also, how can I not get banned for “ more than 1 accounts “? Do I just wipe this account?
God-Loves_U wrote:
It just sends me to bot that says, “look in your junk and trash folder”. It’s not in there.

After that type in something like talk with an agent 

God-Loves_U wrote:
Also, how can I not get banned for “ more than 1 accounts “? Do I just wipe this account?

The site allows one primary account and one alternate with staff approval.

#7 Thanks for your help.