
Open Seeks Always Black


Once I start a playing day as black, every "random" open seek I select gives me the black pieces. If I start out white I get about 75% black the rest of the day. Is a cookie set or something?

No, the user who creates the seek can choose which color to have. If you put out your own open seek you can choose to start with the white pieces also.  Wink
Yes they can choose their color but if they select "Random" shouldn't it be random, or at least pseudo-random, rather than black 75-100% of the time?

yeah. well, the formula for white vs. black is basically this:

first we look at if you have played that opponent before,  and if you have, what % of time have you been white vs. black and then try and equalize. if that doesn't work, then we look at TOTAL games white vs. black and see who has more of which.

is anyone else having this problem?? it is working fine for white to black games ratio is nearly 50/50 (154 to 151).


Yeah, my games are fairly balanced also.
Its because computers and monkeys hate each other