
Opponent is being very rude, what should I do?


Hi, I played a game with someone on an online tournament just now. My opponent requested to chat, to which I accepted. However, they ask me if i "can resign". I replied that I don't know what on earth they are talking about, since the game just started. Personally I take that as mildly offensive as if they thought I was completely not a match for them. Then they proceeded to asking if I "can read". By that point I'm pretty offended, since it's apparently rude to say anyone is illiterate when they're not (even if they are, it's still rude). I asked if they are insulting me, to which they replied that that's not what they meant. But I can't find any other interpretations for that sentence. Those two statements combined is completely offending to me (because it seems as though they're looking down on me). Am I being too sensitive, or am I correct in interpreting it as rude and offensive? I would like to know the offensive standards on this site, as well as any opinions on this. Also if I'm not being hypersensitive, should I report? I'll appreciate any help. Thanks!


Yes, it was rude. Yes, you should report them for poor sportsmanship.

There are many millions of players here and unfortunately, there are a few people like that.

The more reports they get, the sooner they will be warned. Perhaps they may learn from the experience. If not, they will eventually be removed.

justbefair wrote:

Yes, it was rude. Yes, you should report them for poor sportsmanship.

There are many millions of players here and unfortunately, there are a few people like that.

The more reports they get, the sooner they will be warned. Perhaps they may learn from the experience. If not, they will eventually be removed.

OK, thanks for the suggestion! So I'm not being hypersensitive. Should I report them as verbal abuse? That's the closest one of the list of options after I clicked "report".


Yes, that is not really cool. You should have just blocked the chat though.


leave that sore loser

Tzn wrote:

leave that sore loser

you have been reported


Asking if you can resign btw comes from a youtube video by a great youtuber named croissant:

tusakovsky wrote:

Yes, that is not really cool. You should have just blocked the chat though.

Oh yeah, I didn't thought of that. Thanks for the suggestion!

Tzn wrote:

leave that sore loser

That person's ranking isn't so much higher than me (who joined only 7 days ago). Quite a loser indeed. Most good players I've met don't talk or complain/make useless statements, and simply focus on the game. To think a person would try to insult someone during a chess game is unbelievable. A bit off-topic, but quote the famous line from Kakashi Hatake: "In society, the ones without many abilities tend to complain more." This is more or less a great fit for the situation (replace "complain" with "insult" and there's a perfect match.). (PS: I lost that game though, since I got too distracted by their comments; I wish I could've though of blocking the chat just as tusakovsky suggested. Perhaps they intended to use that sneaky strategy to win the game?)

LePascalier1 wrote:

Asking if you can resign btw comes from a youtube video by a great youtuber named croissant:

I checked out the video, that guy's basically just exploiting some extreme, sometimes illegal ways of playing chess. I think he's gaming the system (he's using this site, BTW). Some youtubers just really cause trouble for real players. Thanks for sharing the link, by the way.