
Posting a blog


Hello there,

I start working on posting a new blog"my first one here" in which I inserted a game within the blog body, while I was commenting on the game moves in the game editor, somethig came up and I was forced to save my work that I did so far, when I came back to continue working on commenting the game moves I had no idea how can I re-open my original game editor in which I inserted my comments on, please I need help otherwise I will be forced to re-work every thing which will be a big dissappointment.



In the blog editing part, you should be able to select the game placeholder, then click the icon on the toolbar that would normally insert a new game. It should allow you to edit the game.


@Martin_Stahl: yes it works, thank you very much, I appreciate your help


Are you able to edit a blog after you post it?


I need to change the picture


Boys I need your help!!! Could you fill this quick form about chess, I have 3 days to finish a project. Thank you!!!