Premium Features
ohh no what to do now
what's the problem? both LIVE and TURN-BASED chess will remain free :)
ok .there isn't problem.
cost is cool with me. But how would u pay for it ? if u didnt have a credit card/visa debit then what ?
cost is cool with me. But how would u pay for it ? if u didnt have a credit card/visa debit then what ?
with a credit card or you can send an international money order.
Is Paypal will be one of payment options you could acccept?
Anyway, for ONLY 20$ a year, count me in without any doubt!
Sounds cool to me. I'm looking forward to the additional features.
I have read somewhere that premium members will be able to have unlimited games playing consecutively. I am wondering what limit will be placed on free members?? Any ideas yet?
No, you will not have to pay to play games of chess here, it will be for special extra features which will remain nameless at this point.
Member points just show the site activity of each member on the site, it does not really mean much at this point. You get members through posting comments to various site content and adding your own site content.