
Ratings reset to 400


Why are all my ratings suddenly 400??? I worked hard to improve my ratings and now they're suddenly down to 400 for no reason. This has to be some kind of glitch. Did this happen to anyone else or is it just me? CHESS.COM PLEASE FIX THIS!!! 

Como2020 wrote:

Why are all my ratings suddenly 400??? I worked hard to improve my ratings and now they're suddenly down to 400 for no reason. This has to be some kind of glitch. Did this happen to anyone else or is it just me? CHESS.COM PLEASE FIX THIS!!! 


I saw another post from a member earlier and bug reported it and I've contacted staff directly on this now.


Here is the similar topic:



I'm just hoping they fix this before my club tournament. I'm new and I don't want them to think I'm actually 400 haha


Actually, there are some mechanisms to prevent large, recent rating losses from playing in events... when is that event?


It's weekly. I think the next one is next Tuesday.


Ah, it should be resolved by then


All my live ratings reset to 1200 today

matiazf87 wrote:

All my live ratings reset to 1200 today

At least it isn't just me. I was starting to think I was the only one. I still haven't heard back from support and my ratings are still at 400. Hopefully they get back to me soon.


Okay so now my ratings changed again, but they still aren't back to where they used to be. Idk what's happening lol


Never mind now they're 400 again.


All my ratings suddenly also decreased to 400.

Mine too sent an email to the support team also

I was told that they are aware of the issue and are working on it, but idk how long it's going to take. If it's not fixed in a few days I'm going to have to ask for a refund on my premium subscription. I didn't pay for premium just to get stuck playing against 400s. This is ridiculous. 


So... is this ever going to get fixed or not?


Same thing happened to me, at 400 now with 0 games played... no idea what it’s all about


Yeah, same thing happened to me last Saturday. Opened Puzzles to find my rating had gone overnite from 1800 or so to 400. Also my ratings history is erased, showing me as stuck at 400 for the past 3 months.

The rated puzzles are a unique feature of and a big reason I became a member.  Definitely expect either restored service or a refund, and quickly.

H0Denisovan wrote:

Same thing happened to me, at 400 now with 0 games played... no idea what it’s all about


Your ratings look correct.

PhilidorIII wrote:

Yeah, same thing happened to me last Saturday. Opened Puzzles to find my rating had gone overnite from 1800 or so to 400. Also my ratings history is erased, showing me as stuck at 400 for the past 3 months.

The rated puzzles are a unique feature of and a big reason I became a member.  Definitely expect either restored service or a refund, and quickly.


There is an option in settings to reset your Puzzle rating and history. You didn't click that by chance? 


If not, you can open a ticket with support, but I'm not sure they would be able to restore those.

Como2020 wrote:

So... is this ever going to get fixed or not?


Staff is aware of the situation, but I haven't heard anything about it beyond them looking into it.


Ummmmmm, my question doesn’t have to do with the topic, but how come I see some accounts that like start with a rating of 2000 without any games played whatsoever. For example me and my brother had a raced to 2000 and he suddenly said he reached it in a day, I decided to check our his new account and it started with a rating of 2000, the account in question was Kendrick7Ngo.