
Refunds and Accidental Purchases


Hello, I recently purchased a diamond membership under the impression that I would be paying a price of around 8 or 9 dollars a month for a year. However, I was unaware that it was a yearly purchase which has now sent my account below a comfortable amount of money. I really need this money, and the accidental 100$ purchase will hurt me in the coming weeks.


Hello, I recently purchased a diamond membership under the impression that I would be paying a price of around 8 or 9 dollars a month for a year. However, I was unaware that it was a yearly purchase which has now sent my account below a comfortable amount of money. I really need this money, and the accidental 100$ purchase will hurt me in the coming weeks.

Paying up front does save a lot over monthly payments. 

It's $14 per month if you pay monthly.

Versus $99 for a whole year if you pay up front.

At any rate, doesn't want your last dollar. You can cancel it and write to [email protected] for a refund.

You may have to wait a couple of weeks but it will be over faster if you do it today.



Hey so i tried the 7-day free trial diamond membership in and i didn't know that after that i need to pay ₱1190.00 I'm a filipina and i want a refund I'm sorry for this.


Hey so i tried the 7-day free trial diamond membership in and i didn't know that after that it would renovate but ask me , could i please ask for refund so im not in debt... sorry for the inconvinience, I need help asap pls.


Hey @chess I accidently purchase the diamond membership which cost me 5000 pkr. I really need this money. Please refund my payment!!!

98_Ahmed wrote:

Hey @chess I accidently purchase the diamond membership which cost me 5000 pkr. I really need this money. Please refund my payment!!!

You'll need to fill out the refund form


Hey @chess, I recently made a miss-purchase on the diamond pass for a little over 110$ and would like a refund! I do apologize for the inconvenience!!!

RTK_0000 wrote:

Hey @chess, I recently made a miss-purchase on the diamond pass for a little over 110$ and would like a refund! I do apologize for the inconvenience!!!

You'll need to contact support directly for that.

Hi! I’m in a similar situation, did you get the refund?
franpereira1030 wrote:
Hi! I’m in a similar situation, did you get the refund?

Use the option to contact Support in the Help menu


I’m in a similar situation too, did you guys get the refund?

BettNvm wrote:

I’m in a similar situation too, did you guys get the refund?

Did you contact support? If so you should get a response



I just got an email today and realized that my visa was charged for subscription. It's hurt because i thought i already cancel the subscription before today.

So if there is any chance, can i have refund. I know it was my fault for not cancelling but please, it is a big amount of money to me at the moment. So i hope would refund me!

Please Help Me!!!

My email is : [email protected]


buon pomeriggio, non trovo giusto che a causa della "scarsa connessione" la partita mi venga sottratta, anche se la connessione è lenta ed è dimostrabile poiché siete voi stessi che mi avvisate, sarebbe più equo sospenderla e riprenderla una volta ripristinata. Grazie

per inciso tengo piuttosto a credere che sia tutto diretto dall'alto...

Enchester_Chronicles wrote:


I just got an email today and realized that my visa was charged for subscription. It's hurt because i thought i already cancel the subscription before today.

So if there is any chance, can i have refund. I know it was my fault for not cancelling but please, it is a big amount of money to me at the moment. So i hope would refund me!

Please Help Me!!!

My email is :....

You'll need to contact Support directly using the Help option in the menu

cimoso wrote:

buon pomeriggio, non trovo giusto che a causa della "scarsa connessione" la partita mi venga sottratta, anche se la connessione è lenta ed è dimostrabile poiché siete voi stessi che mi avvisate, sarebbe più equo sospenderla e riprenderla una volta ripristinata. Grazie

per inciso tengo piuttosto a credere che sia tutto diretto dall'alto...

Pausing and resuming games isn't a workable solution.

There are some things that can be done to minimize connection issues.


Hello @chess

i have recently used my free premium trial, but it wasn’t to my knowledge that when the free trial ends, I would have to pay for the one-year premium subscription. I really need the money back since I am not doing too well money wise. I would appreciate it thoroughly if you do give me a refund. 
-a chess enjoyer


Just asking out of curiousioty. Didn't you all read the Payment policy before buying?
did you all were like..OH freeee trialll lemmme and bought?

Hughi6 wrote:

Hello @chess

i have recently used my free premium trial, but it wasn’t to my knowledge that when the free trial ends, I would have to pay for the one-year premium subscription. I really need the money back since I am not doing too well money wise. I would appreciate it thoroughly if you do give me a refund. 
-a chess enjoyer

You will need to contact Support directly using the option in the menu