
Report a bug


Hi my win against an opponent was not counted. Right after he resigned msg popped up: is not happend 20mins ago


Hey. I've gotten this issue a couple times now where I'll start a game in live chess, and one or more pieces will be displayed incorrectly. In the added screenshot, my opponent has bishops where his rooks are. They moved like rooks, acted like rooks, but displayed as bishops. More recently in a one minute game, ALL my pawns (as black) displayed as white rooks. Unfortunately, being a one minute game i didn't get a screenshot, but it sure made my brain hurt. In the recent (not shown) example, it also cost me the game, as I ended up running out of time when I should have won easily. null


Shouldn't this say, "forces White to trade ROOKS" since in the next page white takes the black rook?null


I could't see messages on message box from a friend(With other friends is OK). I can see the messages when it just arrived then it isn't appears on message box. Help please, I tried to remove the app and install again or log out/in but no thing


With this ad showing up I was unable to move...


My highest win is 820 but the stats area is reporting 813

Mate in one problem


Mate in one problem


BishopZunder escribió:

Mate in one problem

opponent has just king I have three pieces. opponent just waits until the time expires and the game is a draw!!!

In the beginner lesson of endgames pawn potential it’s suggesting the white pawn to become knight to give checkmate to black but before that knight can be taken by the black pawn it doesn’t seem correct
BishopZunder wrote:


BishopZunder escribió:


Mate in one problem


opponent has just king I have three pieces. opponent just waits until the time expires and the game is a draw!!!


You timed out so you did not deserve to win.

How can you blame your opponent for your timing out?


opponent just waits until "his" time expires and the game is a draw!!!

BishopZunder wrote:

opponent just waits until "his" time expires and the game is a draw!!!

Which game was it?


It really isn´t my game. The game was played by my chess tutor Carlos Burgos and BALADIN



there seems to be a computer code employed by players in the 3 minute blitz games that effectively freeze an opponents pieces.  It has been used against me at least a half dozen times in last 24 hours.  always while I have a good connection.  only while I am winning, and usually after as pivotal good move.  I have reported it now 4 times or so but it must be rampant - many different players have used this tactic.


makes me want to terminate my membership.  I was enjoying site so far.


in last example I had just promoted to a queen and game was just kings and queens.  I was far ahead in time, then my pieces froze.  connection good and I lost for time out.



I am new to this site, and in my third game at 45/45, my phone went to a different page as I was trying to make a move. I then pressed the return button at the bottom of my phone, but that did not return me to the board. I got the home page, so I logged in again, only to find that I lost the game because I aborted it. I was in a clearly advantageous endgame position. I at first thought that the problem was with my phone, but now I'm not so sure. Could I have been attacked by some program?

In the future, I will play games only on my laptop.

BishopZunder wrote:

It really isn´t my game. The game was played by my chess tutor Carlos Burgos and BALADIN


This is what I believe is a help mate scenario. If white, who timed out, didn’t have its king trapped by its own pawn, black would not have sufficient check mating material with just a king plus knight. Therefore, the game would end in a draw “by timeout vs insufficient material”.

In this case white’s own pawn traps the white king creating the mate in 1 position. It must be that does not consider such help mate positions. It probably just looks at the material of black (in this case) to determine if it's sufficient to checkmate by itself. Since it's not, a draw by insufficient material was declared.



When I try to play with my friend : New Game > With friend > Friend choosen > OK, the system starts systematically a new game with a random player...



do you know about this bug with the pawn? 


That is not a bug. It is a legal move. It´s called "En Passant". For more info check: