
Responding to a challenge


Hi.  I've received a challenge from someone to play a game.  I can't seem to be able to accept the challenge.  How do I go about doing that?


First click View challenge. Then a board will appear and on the right side there is a button that says Accept challenge.


Thank you.


Well now that depends on how you were challenged. I heard that you recently got indoor plumbing just about everywhere in Canada; did electricity catch on yet? The rest of the world realizes that electric, unlike the hoola-hoop, was not a fad. Anyway, did the fellow show up with his own chess game, or empty handed? Either way to accept the challenge, you must wait till he thaws a bit, possibly hurry this along with a dram of whisky. Then ask him to sit, set up the board and play. If you are one of those Canadians lucky enough to have electrical service, and you were challenged "online," follow JokernTP's advice -- thay have had electricity in Sweden since last century and I am confident his advice is sound.


We had a bad power outaged (lasted for a few days depending on location) back in 2003 caused by Manhatten socialites who consume more than they create.  Many of them posess electric shoe polishers and assorted backside buffers which when left running all night, result in excessive power consumption.  True, they have shiny ones, which makes them happy although a wise man once said that satisfaction is far more important to the human condition than happiness.


mx vbx