Three-time repetition
this is correct - you must claim it. it is not automatic. those are the rules of chess.
It most certainly does work:
It happened in the last game I finished!
this is correct - you must claim it. it is not automatic. those are the rules of chess.
first to say about the "claim draw " -button, I just had another game in which there was tree-time repetition,and there the button becomes "claim" draw, but in the first game obviously there was some bug becouse it did not happened so,and I offered a draw,luckily my opponent agreed. Now for the perpetual check, I think if the position is clear to be a draw,even though there are differences in material, there should be some possibility to claim draw too, I remember rule that says if after 40 moves the position hasn't changed,or some exchanges haven't happened- it is plain draw. So EEShelton, I think your game is draw. You may post a link to your game here so everyone can see your game .
bye for now
hmm. he should be able to claim that as a draw as well...
Hello, I think three-time repetiotion of posiotion does not work for a draw.