
What happened to my flair?


I would like to preface this post by noting that I understand that this is not a big deal. But on the other hand, THIS IS THE WORST THING THAT HAS EVER HAPPENED TO ANYONE IN HISTORY

As of (I think) yesterday, my flair changed from a delicious Homer Simpson/Lard Lad-esque pink frosted sprinkles donut to some sort of horrific red (blood-soaked?) ersatz abomination.

I went to try to change it back, but when I clicked on the button to edit my flair, the list of emojis that popped up included my wonderful old pink frosted sprinkles flair, and not the horrific new blood-soaked one. So, I thought maybe changing it to something else and then back to the wonderful old flair would fix the issue, but upon doing so, my flair is still the horrific one.

I'm including images of the two. Note that both of these are the actual image files actually hosted and used by First, the abomination that shows up as my flair:

And now the menu that pops up allowing selection of flair (note the pink frosted donut, eighth row, middle, between coffee and the earth):



It's likely the actual flair was changed but the flair selection assets haven't been updated yet


Yes, that's what it seems like. I guess what I'm trying to say (minus the tongue-in-cheek over-the-topness) is that it would be nice to have my WOOHOO! donut back, rather than the new DOH! donut.


Woohoo! Lard Lad-esque pink frosted sprinkles donut is back!
Thank you, whoever was involved!


Doh! And now the blood-soaked one is back.
I guess maybe it's different on different backend servers, or something like that.