
what is the 3x repition rule?


Well... i sort of know what it is , it is a draw when u do the same move 3 times. but .... isn't that have to be in a row?? I was gonna win a game against this computer right... and then it says that its a draw cause of the three repition move. And i can tell u this was not in a row. So can someone please explain this to me properly. Im sort of confused with this rule....


Well, according to the FIDE laws of Chess, article 5.2d in particular, the game may be drawn if any identical position is about to appear or has appeared on the chessboard at least three times.


As such, if both plays repeat their moves three times in a row, that constitutes a draw. However, that is NOT the only way a threefold repetition can occur. So long as an IDENTICAl position occurs 3 times, it is a draw. For e.g., 1. Nf3 Nc6 2. Ng1 Nb8 3. Nf3 Nc6 4. Ng1 Nb8 5. Nf3 Nf6 6. Nc3 Nc6 7. Nb1 Ng8 it is a draw as this position has occured exactly 3 times.


Hope this helps..

Oh and don't be confused by the phrasing of the rule. The phrase "if any identical position is about to appear" is used as when you are about to repeat the position for the third time and want to claim a draw, you normally write down your intended move, call the arbiter and state your intended move. Thats what it means.

how can i stop that from happening.... and those it fade off after like 20 moves? LIke if you do the same sequence of moves again after like 2o moves those it still count?????? im still confused.


It would be very rare for the same position to occur after 20 moves, but it is possible. One thing to remember, the position occurring for the third time is not an automatic draw. If neither player claims the draw by repetition, then the game continues. So one player has to be looking to draw. This situation most often occurs in the endgame, but certainly can happen in the middle game as well.

There are times when one player will maneuver into the same position in hopes of escaping a lost game. It is the winning player's responsibility then to avoid the same position for the third time. Pawn pushes, and a good attacking plan are sure fire ways of avoiding repetition of moves.

Nice explanation, oginschille! very precisely answered! unlike a checkmate, or stalemate, 3 move repetition has to be claimed and thus if your opponent misses it, then no draw! But if you're playing against a computer there's no chance it can miss it! So you just have to avoid it I guess. And no it will not fade off. If you reach the same position for the 3rd time 20 moves later, your opponent still CAN claim the draw.