
Year review gone?

Hello! I’ll get to the point- Last year, I remember there being a Year Review I could review, and it was very cool! This year, I couldn’t seem to find one. Did it get removed, perhaps…?
8bluedogs wrote:
Hello! I’ll get to the point- Last year, I remember there being a Year Review I could review, and it was very cool! This year, I couldn’t seem to find one. Did it get removed, perhaps…?

I haven't seen anything from staff about it so it's likely nothing will be done this year.

Alright, thanks!
Martin_Stahl wrote: I haven't seen anything from staff about it so it's likely nothing will be done this year.

I don’t think it’s that because they saw the lichess review and it was cool so they want to make theirs better
belligol371 wrote:
I don’t think it’s that because they saw the lichess review and it was cool so they want to make theirs better

Pretty sure that has nothing to do with it. The process for the year in review starts well before anyone would have seen that, so if the design and code had been worked in, it would have been released.