
Connection issues


My apologies to the players that I have started live games only to have a window pop up notifying me I have been disconnected from the server. This site is a great site and many thanks to the founders and organisers of the site. I have used other parts of the site with no problems or minimal issues but when I start a game of live chess, I have no confidence that I will be able to complete the games. It is making me play games on other sites and it definitely makes me hesitant to sign up for any tournaments. The problem may be that I am in Australia playing but then I would expect that others would have similar issues. Does anyone else have problems with the live chess component of this site? Any suggestions? Thanks and cheers.

May be wrong but I think tournaments are "Turn-based Chess" so you shouldn't encounter the same problems.  I've had similar issues with staying connected to "Live Chess (beta)" Though I don't remember being disconnected while a game was actually in progress more than once.  I like Turn-based Chess much better + you can play as many games as you can handle as far as I know.  If I wanna play some quick games I usually go another cool free site. 

Live chess is still a work in progress (Beta). Give it some time.

Don't let the issues with live chess stop you from entering tournaments here.


Also, I use Firefox and have only haven't had any connection issues yet. 

Yes, I too am being automatically disconnected from the Live Chess server. I haven't even started a game as interfacing with that portion of the site has been futile on my computer as it is now. I made a similar post a few days ago and Erik had suggested that my browser was likely at fault, and to try a different (newer) one. In my case I'm using Internet Explorer 6.0, which he said is bad news. My system hasn't been upgraded or updated in 5+ years. Anyway, later today I'm going to try as Erik suggests: a newer browser (Explorer 7, Firefox, Safari). Hopefully my hardware doesn't need immediate replacement!


I'm trying to get an online game with several players at the same time, and i'm encountering some problems...

When i try to login from the same network several players the server goes down?

Is it possible to have sevral players from the same local network at the same time? 

joana: You mean using several accounts?

Man, piotr is ON FIRE with rule-breaking catching!


Definitely firefox is the best browser for live chess. internet explorer is still very problematic at the moment. All issues are being worked on still.

I got disconnected towards the end of game, is there any plan to make games recoverable for 5 minutes or so? This would enable players to reconnect and rejoin their game.




I've finally replaced IE6 browser with Firefox and... Live Chess is working like a charm for me now :)  And it's awesome!! I couldn't even play a game before switching browsers, now I've just played a bunch and had no problems. I was finally disconnected, but after I don't know how many games. Also, the overall performance of the whole site has improved for me. Everything's faster, smoother.

In summary: the Firefox suggestion solved my problem; Live Chess is very cool; and rules!

I get disconnected regularly, even with Firefox...
We are still working to make the connection as stable as possible. At the moment our server is located in California so the further you are away from that location the worse your connection to the Live Chess will be. Soon we hope to have at least two more servers in other locations around the world to accomodate all users on the site.
That happened to me
Patzer24 wrote:
We are still working to make the connection as stable as possible.

This thread appears to be 16 years old. Don't you think that it's reasonable for users to expect that it should have been resolved by now?


Yho, so long