
Draw by threefold repetition


I just played a game on live where I had a perpetual check forcing threefold repetition. The server nerver seemed to pick up on it until we had repeated the position about 9 times. Are you aware of this?


I believe you have to use the draw button on the game. As far as I know it then gives you a claim draw option if it is valid.


Yes, one of the players must "claim" the draw by clicking the draw button when the game will automatically be declared a draw if it is a 3-time repetition. If neither player hits the draw button then the repetition can go on and the game will continue.


Well what I did was offer a draw. But it was just before the 3rd repetition. Several more moves were played. Then it said draw by repetition. Maybe it's a form of lag.

Makes me wonder about the 50 move rule now. lol.

Thanks for replying.


Probably your opponent clicked the draw button.