1...Bb3# is easy. :D Good job
Hope you ain't gettin' tired :p
And a new one... again...
Make way for another one!!
Still not done yet :p
Ok, first shipping complete. I will be back with more...
This type of mate featured a lot these days...
#207 Rg2# is also mate in 1
You are right. Let's fix that:
This fixed the ambiguity of my post #207.
Another peredictable one.
Thank you LiamD5 and eragonfan125 !
I haven't seen that
Whew! Done.
Here comes another load!
Qc2 is also mate (or Qf7 depending on which way the board is!)
Make way for this one too!
#212 c1=B
Too easy...
Qc2 is also mate (or Qf7 depending on which was the board is!)
Qf7 is illegal: black is in check.
1...Bb3# is easy. :D Good job