
Blunder Watch


Click the lightbulb twice to see White's first move followed by the blunder. Find mate in 7 moves.


Click the lightbulb twice to see Black's first move followed by the blunder. Find mate in 5 moves.


Click the lightbulb twice to see White's first move followed by the blunder. Find mate in 6 moves.


Click the lightbulb twice to see White's first move followed by the blunder. Find mate in the fewest moves.


Click the lightbulb twice to see White's first move followed by the blunder. Find mate in 10 moves.


Click the lightbulb twice to see White's first move followed by the blunder. Find the brilliant next move.


Click the lightbulb twice to see White's first move followed by the blunder. Sac your Queen to win a material advantage in 7 moves.


Click the lightbulb twice to see White's first move followed by the blunder. After Black's first move Black is threatening to mate on the next move. Find mate in 5 moves.


Click the lightbulb twice to see White's first move followed by the blunder. Solve in 5 moves.


Click the lightbulb twice to see White's first move followed by the blunder. Find mate in 6 moves.


This is an interesting position, in which white is down a piece, but has activity. Click the lightbulb to see white's first move, and then watch black blunder the draw. Exploit the black mistake and save the game

This puzzle demonstrates how active pieces can work together to restrict options, even in positions where one side is down material.


Nice. This shows the advantage of two rooks working together.


Click the lightbulb twice to see White's first move followed by the blunder. Find mate in 8 moves.


Click the lightbulb twice to see White's first move followed by the blunder. Find mate in 7 moves.


Click the lightbulb twice to see Black's first move followed by the blunder. Find mate in 5 moves.


Click the lightbulb twice to see White's first move followed by the blunder. Capture the Black Queen in 6 moves.


Click the lightbulb twice to see White's first move followed by the blunder. Capture the Black Queen in 4 moves.


It's a good puzzle, but I think it would be better if you addressed what would happen in alternative lines of the puzzle. Just having the solution doesn't explain why it's the solution. Let me notate the position from Nxa5 to show what I mean.


You're right that I chose the engine's best line for the solution. I did explore those other lines. But the top line is the only line that White takes the Black Rook. I don't add alternative solutions because I assume most solvers will analyze the solution, anyway to discover different lines. As a rule, I don't add comments after moves because intermediate and advanced players will not require any clarification. Beginners can post comments with a question which I'm happy to reply to. Thanks for your suggestion, though.


Click the lightbulb twice to see White's first move followed by the blunder. Checkmate in 5 moves.