Blunder Watch
Maybe someday. At the moment, I'm happy to play the bots and create puzzles to improve my chess.
Black is in good position to slide the Queen across to g6 with a double-attack on g2 and mate. However, Black loses a tempo by chasing the White Queen, instead. Click the lightbulb twice to see two blunders by Black's light-square Bishop. Finish the puzzle with White's next move.
The White King has one way to escape following Black's next move. But the White Queen blunders by giving Black a forced mate in 4 moves. Click the lightbulb to watch Black's move followed by White's blunder. Finish the puzzle by mating White in 4 moves.
When your minor piece is attacked you can leave the square to evade capture, but you can't come back without losing it. Or, you can threaten one of your opponents pieces of equal value. Black should have done the latter. Click the lightbulb twice to see White's attacking move followed by Black's two blunders that gives White a forced mate in 4 moves. Finish the puzzle by mating Black in 4 moves.
The White Knight on f3 moves to h4 threatening to land on g6 and fork the Black Queen, Rook and King with check. On h4 the White Knight is skewered by the Black Queen behind the Black Knight and Black's idea is to capture it with the Queen before it can move to g6 with a fork. Click the lightbulb three times to see Black's failed strategy to prevent the fork. Finish the puzzle with White's next two moves.
Black's Ng4 move threatens mate. White eliminates the wrong threat. Click the lightbulb to see Black's move followed by White's blunder. Finish the puzzle with Black's next move.
The White Knight on f3 moves to h4 threatening to land on g6 and fork the Black Queen, Rook and King with check. On h4 the White Knight is skewered by the Black Queen behind the Black Knight and Black's idea is to capture it with the Queen before it can move to g6 with a fork. Click the lightbulb three times to see Black's failed strategy to prevent the fork. Finish the puzzle with White's next two moves.
2...Nxe4+ and White has some problems of his own to settle.
The knight on h4 will likely drop.
EDIT: Never mind, failed to realise that you asked to input Black's first three moves into the puzzle and not Black's first move.
2...Nxe4+ and White has some problems of his own to settle.
The knight on h4 will likely drop.
That's the idea Black had. To check the White King with the Knight and capture the White Knight after the White King moved out of check. Had the White King moved out of check then the Black Bishop sacrifice would have been a great move because Black's other Knight was ready to land on d4 to continue threatening the White King. Perhaps, Black didn't think White would give up the Queen to take the Black Knight?
The White Queen misses a mate in 3 moves. Click the lightbulb to see the Black King move out of check followed by White's blunder. As Black, finish the puzzle in 3 moves.
In this position, either side can win the game if they can remove the opposition rook from the back rank. So, tempo will play a part in deciding the outcome. Click the lightbulb to see the White Queen ignore the potential promotion threat of Black's passed pawn on the g file and blunder by losing a tempo. As Black, finish the puzzle in 3 moves by supporting the passed pawn and finish with mate.
Click the lightbulb to see White's Queen pin Black's light-squared Bishop to the King followed by Black's e-pawn blunder as it threatens White's Knight. As White, setup a double-attack on the light-squared Bishop and check the Black King on your next move. Finish the puzzle in two more moves with a check to the Black King.
Click the lightbulb to see White's e-Rook blunder by capturing Black's dark-squared Bishop. As Black, finish the puzzle in one move.
Click the lightbulb to see White blunder by trapping it's own Queen. As Black, finish the puzzle in 4 moves by attacking the White Queen and winning as much material as possible.
Click the lightbulb to see the White Queen blunder when attacked. As Black, finish the puzzle with a Mate in 3 moves.
White miscalculates a trade of pieces and loses an extra minor piece after the trades. Click the lightbulb to watch Black's move followed by White's blunder. Finish the puzzle with Black's next 3 moves to win two minor pieces while losing only one. Tip: Black takes one of the minor pieces after a revealed double attack.