I think Black loses a tempo with that mistake which allows White to counterattack.
Blunder Watch
The position is horrible for white. White is down 6 points in material and about to lose further. However, after the very obvious move, white makes a tiny inaccuracy, turning the game to a forced mate in 3 moves. Can you find it?
Very nice. How did you add those comments to show when the puzzle is solved? How did you set that up?
If you right click a move in the menu, you get a little list of several things you can do. You can click add comment to do this.
Also, It accidentally deleted the line where white takes on f3. If white takes the pawn, bishop h3 is quite literally a ladder mate in the middle of the board.
EDIT: NVM, it just didn't show up.
While not really a blunder, white chooses a less optimal moves, which will force mate in 4. Click the lightbulb to see blacks move and white's less then optimal move. Then, hand the white king their noose and make them tie it around their neck.
hint: The word for this puzzle is Zugzwang.
yeah you are correct. in the real game I played this
the other two show the way that I would have played if he played Rxd6 and why he has to play Nh7 instead of killing the bishop
So, instead of cxb5, Nh7 is played to prevent Rxf8+ Kxf8 and allowing Rd8#? This is what happens if Nh7 is played before a6. In this version Nh7 is considered a mistake for allowing +M7.
In this version here is what should happen
also I generally would not play 5. Rxb7+
instead I would do 5. Re7+ to deliver a double check and save the bishop on b5
it amounts to the same result anyway
This puzzle was analyzed using Stockfish 14+ NNUE at a depth of 22 on Lichess.
In this position, black just offered a bishop trade, but the posiion goes from +3 to +10.
White to move and DECIMATE
Even if White blunders by exchanging Bishops, the computer indicates White can take the game into an endgame that it wins with a promoted pawn. In this position, White has better development and should win in the hands of a skilled player.
Minecraft Totem of Undying use sound
White here actually makes a less then optimal move, but then black follows with a visceral blunder. Click the lightbulb to see whites move and blacks blunder. Then, punish the blunder.
Black blunders here. Click the lightbulb to watch White's move followed by Black's blunder. Then finish the puzzle with White's next move.
lol I solved the puzzle first try no mistakes without clicking the lightbulb
Minecraft Totem of Undying use sound
White here actually makes a less then optimal move, but then black follows with a visceral blunder. Click the lightbulb to see whites move and blacks blunder. Then, punish the blunder.
Very nice. I love the humour too in the comments with the solution. Although Black gets behind in the material count here, Black still has enough pieces to take the game into an Endgame if played well. However, White's extra pieces will eventually clear the path for a passed pawn to promote to a Queen and win the game.
While not a blunder, Black makes a move that immediately worsens their position severely, losing a pawn in material and setting the position from equal to +2 for white.
As white, it is your job to find how to punish this mistake. Click the Lightbulb to see whites move and blacks mistake. Then, Punish it.