just one pawn is enough
hey, new to this, but couldn't you mate on white's seventh move by putting your rook on e4?
if that isn't quite the point, I apologize. anyway, awesome puzzle.
exellent, just one question: did you find the puzzle somewhere or u made it up. either way thanks for posting!
"Checkmate in 9" should be stipulated somewhere. As a 'white to move' puzzle, it is not stellar. White is clearly winning after 1.Bxf3, 1.Rh4, 1.Ra8, maybe others.
This is another interesting line:
1.Rh4 gxh5 2.Rxh5+ Kg6 3.Ne7+ Qxe7+ 4.Qxe7 Bd6+ 5.Kxd6 Kxh5 6.Qh7+ Kg5 7.Qg7+ Kh5 8.Ra8 with 9.Rh8# to follow.
This is a beauty! I must ask what's already been asked. Did you compose this on your own? If so, well done! If not, where did you get it from?