
Mate in 4 Tricky - Corrected




thanks mxd

i have to say I went trught solution

'couse i no time to puzzel


i liked looks like a efectient way of too solutions foor a good game

thanks again.

ove ...


nice trap on that puzzle

 i gonna try it someday


That is cool that the underpromotion can also lead to a mate in 4, but there is no reason to bring the Queen to d1. After 1. c8Q b3, just bring the Queen over to the b-file. The mate could look like this.

tonightonly7 wrote:

That is cool that the underpromotion can also lead to a mate in 4, but there is no reason to bring the Queen to d1. After 1. c8Q b3, just bring the Queen over to the b-file. The mate could look like this.


 It is a pity that there is this second solution, because it destroys the idea of the puzzle. I would suggest that the original position gets changed simply by having the white king on the b-file. Then the puzzle should work as intended. Hopefully there are then no other second solutions, at least I haven't seen any.


Good puzzle.

Try Savendra position.

It also features an underpromotion to rook.

BlueKnightShade is right, K on b7 is the correct starting position. Sorry guys i will try to check things properly in future
With the king on b7 underpromotion is the fastest way to win, as pointed out. But white does not need to underpromote to win. Can you make a puzzle where the winning side can with with underpromotion, but any other move is not winning?
Loomis wrote: Can you make a puzzle where the winning side can with with underpromotion, but any other move is not winning?

 I have seen that sometimes. Here is an easy one, mate in two:


Talk about underpromotion. Here is an incredible puzzle:

i would never use that approach in a game!!its unecessary to do that in a game
