Mate in 4 Tricky - Corrected
thanks mxd
i have to say I went trught solution
'couse i no time to puzzel
i liked looks like a efectient way of too solutions foor a good game
thanks again.
ove ...
That is cool that the underpromotion can also lead to a mate in 4, but there is no reason to bring the Queen to d1. After 1. c8Q b3, just bring the Queen over to the b-file. The mate could look like this.
That is cool that the underpromotion can also lead to a mate in 4, but there is no reason to bring the Queen to d1. After 1. c8Q b3, just bring the Queen over to the b-file. The mate could look like this.
It is a pity that there is this second solution, because it destroys the idea of the puzzle. I would suggest that the original position gets changed simply by having the white king on the b-file. Then the puzzle should work as intended. Hopefully there are then no other second solutions, at least I haven't seen any.
I have seen that sometimes. Here is an easy one, mate in two:
Talk about underpromotion. Here is an incredible puzzle: