Capture all Black's major & minor pieces in 12 moves.
Mating Net puzzles
Capture all Black's major & minor pieces in 10 moves. Capture the Queen with your King on the final move.
Same setup as #67 but this time White's f-Rook is taken. The puzzle ends when Black's Queen is captured in 13 moves.
Thanks squid. I create them myself. I load a pgn of notable games into the analysis engine and run the review function. That displays the blunders and brilliant moves in the game. At those points I examine the alternatve lines suggested by the engine until I find a line with a high accuracy rating that results in either of three scenarios: a checkmate; a Queen capture; or a sequence of checks and captures to remove all the opponents pieces. Those lines usually contain attacking tactics such as exchange sacrifices, discovered attacks, pins and forks which are used frequently by top level players.
Mate in 4 moves.