Capture all Black's main pieces in 15 moves.
Mating Net puzzles
I found this unusual line where White wants to clear the back rank to promote the f-pawn in 7 moves. Is this a bad puzzle? If you think it is, I'll remove it.
looks cool
I feel very uneasy about it. I like the idea of simplifying the position on the back rank to promote a pawn. But, is the White Queen sac realistic? Can that be calculated with any degree of confidence? Can Black disrupt the exchange sequence somehow so it doesn't lose the exchange?
[Based on a Chess960 game in the 2024 Freestyle Chess G.O.A.T. Challenge] Capture all Black's main pieces in 9 moves.
Clear the 7th rank of all Black pieces with your Rook and return to g1 to prevent the Black c-pawn from promoting.
Black is one pawn up in this position. Magnus Carlsen as White, at the age of 12, found a creative sequence of moves to win material and take a material lead. This puzzle is best moves based on the Carlsen game. Solve in 5 moves.
Capture all Black's main pieces in 13 moves.