
Puzzle #610680 -- I don't understand


Puzzle number #610680.... below is the start and its Black's move.  
The recommended move is black pawn on  g4 takes the white pawn on  f3.  Then the white queen takes the pawn on f3..  Why would the the white player make that move as it looses a queen?

pek1024 wrote:

Puzzle number #610680.... below is the start and its Black's move.
The recommended move is black pawn on g4 takes the white pawn on f3. Then the white queen takes the pawn on f3.. Why would the the white player make that move as it looses a queen?

Mate is being threatened by Qg7 and by f1=Q ot f1=R

It's not possible to stop both mate threats without giving up the queen


Martin, I am a bit lost with your answer. "Qg7 and by f1=Q ot f1=R" 

There isn't Queen on or capable of getting to G7. I assume f1=Q means that Queen can move to f1? but what does f1=R mean?