
PUZZLE in TWO: "Is it easy?"


mate in two


Yes, "very easy."

How about 1. Qe3 followed by Rf1#? Since White king is supervising second rank the only move for Black is to move the Rook somewhere or take the Queen. Neither seem to avoid mate... 

That would allow 1...Rc1 2.Rf1+ Ka1 after wich you can choose to mate with Queen or Rook, but it's mate in three, not two! The only way to mate with two moves is to deflect the Rook.
What about Qf2...threatening mate in b2?  If black moves Re2, then Rf1 with double check and checkmate.

Cronos, why do you keep adding crap to your posts?


And 1. Qf3 blocks the rook, so 1... Re2 prevents mate in two. 

Nice sac with the queen again





1. Rf1 Ka1/c1 2.Rxe1# is also mate in two.

Phobetor and people:  I DO NOT add crap to my posts. Every time I make one *that crap* appears, even if I re-edit the post and delete it.  It must be glitch.


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cronos, don't worry, i like the crap you add to your posts. gives them a distinctive, unforgettable flavor. phobetor has no imagination, that's all. Wink

also, 1. Rf1 Kc1 2. Rxe1#  works as well
what about Rf8!!Discovered check by Bishop!!! king moves and RxR+ mate!
2circles wrote: what about Rf8!!Discovered check by Bishop!!! king moves and RxR+ mate!

The bottom of the board is 1, so it will be Rf1 the next move of black is Kc1 then black can escape to Kd2, it will be not mate in two. 


Was it nessicary to sacrifice the queen




queen sacrifice is not the only solution. 

what about 1. Rf1? there's a discovered check from the bishop and the king is forced to move to a1 or c1. regardless of where he moves, 2. R X R is a mate.

bendcat wrote: 2circles wrote: what about Rf8!!Discovered check by Bishop!!! king moves and RxR+ mate!

The bottom of the board is 1, so it will be Rf1 the next move of black is Kc1 then black can escape to Kd2, it will be not mate in two. 

Black cant escape to kd2, the pawn would get him. Rf1 is another way to solve it

GeeYo373 wrote: bendcat wrote: 2circles wrote: what about Rf8!!Discovered check by Bishop!!! king moves and RxR+ mate!

The bottom of the board is 1, so it will be Rf1 the next move of black is Kc1 then black can escape to Kd2, it will be not mate in two. 

Black cant escape to kd2, the pawn would get him. Rf1 is another way to solve it

The white pawn movement is upward, and the white are always on the row 1 and row 2 from the start of the game. Rf1 - the number 1 indicates that it's in the row 1, a territory of white.


Maybe we can request to the staff of to put some labels on the side of chessboard.

I'm sorry bendcat. That was a lot of BS to shift through. You have to forgive us, noone is used to seeing the black king on b1.
sacrifice the queen is good but its more good move by playing rook f1
hanip, Rf1 is not mate in two. The King can escape to d2. Read the rest of the posts if you don't understand.

 It hink its not s easy, i thinking about it at the holidays in south tyrol