
Puzzle Rush Survival Time Limit


My most recent Puzzle Rush survival (unfinished) score is 47, but I won't be doing puzzles for some time. Can I know what the Puzzle Rush (survival mode) time limit is? (I have heard someone say that it is 7 days)

Nine-point-Circle wrote:

My most recent Puzzle Rush survival (unfinished) score is 47, but I won't be doing puzzles for some time. Can I know what the Puzzle Rush (survival mode) time limit is? (I have heard someone say that it is 7 days)

Currently it's 3 days


Is it 3 days per puzzle or 3 days for the whole puzzle rush?

Nine-point-Circle wrote:

Is it 3 days per puzzle or 3 days for the whole puzzle rush?

I believe the whole rush.